Wow... Last post was at 9 months... Now it's been over 3 years!

Jun 21, 2011

Hi All,

Can't believe how things can change...  and not necessarily for the better!  Reading my last post was definitely a wake up call!  I was at 145 pounds and seemed to be feeling on top of the world and over the past year and a half have experienced a weight gain...  a pretty significant one at that!  I am however going to put a stop to it and get back on track.  This is the next step... Openly admitting it and getting active on the boards again.  I had stopped visiting the bariatric websites and pretty much abandoned all basic rules... doing my own thing and letting bad habits slip right back in... Well as of Monday I have put a stop to it and will be active again and will get back on track!!!  I appreciate any help/support you can give!

Best wishes to you all on this journey!


OMG! 9 months next week! Where did the time go?

Feb 04, 2009

Hi everyone,

Sorry it's been a while... I guess as you get settled you become a little more independent of the board if that makes any sense.  Things are going really well for the most part.  I have my energy back and then some so that's great news!  I am finally getting in all of my protein which is good and the hair loss has definitely started to slow down... also a great thing!  I have my 9 month appointment next week so I can report back on my labs next week.  As far as weight loss goes... I have slowwwwwed way down (couple pounds a month)!  I am now 145 pounds and wearing a M/L top and size 10 pants (two pairs of 8's that also fit).  I have upped the exercise this week and am sore as hell!  LOL  I was walking every day for about 40 minutes, but this week I have tried aerobics, strength training and yoga (which is no joke)!  I hope this will help take off the remaining 10 - 12 pounds I would like to lose.  Once again I'd like to thank everyone for help and support and answering my questions... Being part of this board allows me to never feel alone in this journey!

Good Luck to Everyone!  I'm here for anyone who needs/wants to chat!


Latest Update

Nov 02, 2008

Hello OH friends... It's Monday, November 3rd!  I can't believe I'm getting close to hitting the 6 month mark!  I am feeling so much better!  I went through a phase of being completely exhausted!  I could literally sleep on demand, thankfully that has changed over the last few weeks.  I have increased my activity level (joined Curves) and that has made a huge difference! 
Halloween was this past weekend and I have to say I had much more fun dressing up this year than last year!  I felt much more outgoing and a bit more flirty!    I posted some pics from last year (pre-op) and this year (post-op)... Let me know what you think!

CW is now 160
GW I'm thinking maybe 135-145?

Keep up the good work everyone!  I thank everyone for taking the time to write back, answer my questions and keep me inspired!  Couldn't do it without you!

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May 11, 2008
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