update, i know its been so long

Jun 28, 2010

Hi Oh peeps!!  Well things have been very hectic here, but finally starting to settle down.  Im here in OC, Cali, and I finally got a Job at a great company as an administrative assistant.  Its been great but it does take a lot of my time.   I bought a 2005 black Cadillac Deville that i love very much....lol.  Im proud to drive it.  Its a bomb ass car.  So work is  Full time Mon-Fri.  But hey im so thankful i got a job and its dependable and it pays the bills right?  lol well as far as my weight and health I have been doin ok.  Not all that great.  Ive gained a little but i think i needed too.  I gained about 5 lbs which isnt bad, i think i was getting to skinny there for a while.  I took up some bad habits that are a big big no no.  I started smoking cigs.  Why?  dont know and please dont ask....lol....I need to quit though before it gets to hard to stop.  My eating habits have been great.  Still sticking witht he basics.  I might once in a blue moon have something sweet but i keep it in proportion.  Exercise another thing I havent been doing really well since I came to California.  I need to get my busy butt out there and find time to do that because I know how important that is.  I wanna know how everyone on here is doing so please reply and let me know.  I would love to hear from all of you, and what you guys been up too since Ive been away.  Love you OH peeps.  Talk to you soon.

I got my issue of OH Magazine today!!!

Mar 09, 2010

Hi my OH friends!!  I got my issue of the OH magazine today!  I've never had one before, but its pretty cool and has so much useful information.  Its so cool they put me in the table of contents page, and im on page 12!!!  LOL im so happy.  There are some amazing and inspiring stories of others on there and some fabulous pictures of other OH members, some who I recognize. Also,  In the Magazine they also mentioned that there will be a OH conference in Costa Mesa, California at the end of May!!  Guess who's gonna be there??  Me!!...Im so excited to go, I've never been to one but I heard there a lot of fun.   I just wanna express  to you all that I am so proud and happy for all of you.  Everyone I know on here have done so well and have accomplished sooooo much.   Good Job Guys!!! 



Hi my OH friends...

Mar 04, 2010

Sooo not going to Cali anymore...LOL!  Things have changed a lot since my last blog's.  Was going to Cali now we are moving to Arizona.  I ended up landing a real good job there!  We have family there too so its a big plus, also Vegas and Cali are right there, not to far so thats good bcuz we got family there too.  Anyway also whats real good right now is that my marriage is the strongest its ever been.  Feels like I just got married to him all over again..LOL!    I love him so very much.  Things were rocky for a while.  I think it was my hormones, and other things changin in my mind mentally that was affecting our relationship before.  Hey you know what, it happens, no person or relationship is perfect.  In my blogs I like to keep things true to show people my struggles.  I dont like to act perfect, bcuz NO HUMAN BEING IS...  Anywayz going off the subject now My kids are doing very well and cant wait to move out of Texas..LOL!  Things are just really falling into place now.  I still have some issues sometimes with like being depressed, and having anxiety for some reason.  I dont know why, I dont want to feel that way.  Somethin im trying to get fixed and my docs are helping me also with that.    My weight is stable.  Still at 124.  I think my body just said "ok stop"...LOL bcuz I work out almost everyday and eat healthy most of the time and Im still at 124, I aint complaining though, im comfortable with my weight now.  Anywayz I needed to update and let you all know whats been goin on in my life.  I hope all of my beautiful friends are doing great!!  Oh also found out if any of you get the OH magazine that I will be under  "AT A GLANCE"  under the title "AT GOAL, DONT ABUSE YOUR TOOL"...March/April issue.  Love you guys!!


Feb 04, 2010

Hi my OH friends!!  A while ago I submitted my pictures for OH magazine, and I recently just got a message from them letting me know I will be in there March/April issue!!  I am so happy about it, and it really just makes me feel good...I hope with this I will be able to help and encourage someone.....Yay!!  Im so excited and happy!!   Love all of my OH Friends!!


Letting Go....

Jan 07, 2010

Feeling much better, no more worries for me, im letting go!!!  Finally...LOL!  After all these stressful, worried moments i realized that there are some things that i cant be in control over....all i can do is go with the flow and eventually at the end everything will work out....I was stressed about moving back to Cali but then I started thinking about what the good things were moving back there.  I thought about my family, my friends, the beach, me getting back on the surf board again...LOL!!  I havent surfed since high school but hopefully i still got it....Anyway im excited about it now....well Love all my OH friends and thanks for the ones that have really been here for me, and being supportive, and writing me encouraging messages, you know who u are ; )  Thanks again!! 



Jan 04, 2010

Going to see some friends right now, I need some laughs and smiles, hopefully they can lift my spirits up....it'll be fun

Oh yeah my birthday : (

Dec 29, 2009

My Birthday is coming up on the 12 of January, my kids especially my oldest says im an old lady....LMAO!!!  I will be the big 29 omg im really pushing on 30 now......Time goes by so fast, i feel like i just got out of high school the other day...LOL!!  Oh well cant turn back time, just gotta go with it and put a lot of anti aging cream on  LMFAO!!!


Dec 29, 2009

HI OH PEEP'S!!  IM SO EXCITED FOR THIS NEW YEAR, 2009 Yeah i lost weight and im healthier which is amazing and i am so thankful for but I've also come around very hard times this year too much to mention...LOL!!  But cant wait for New Year's!!  Party at Brina's house New Years Eve Baby!!! : )!!!!!  Love all my OH FRIENDS!!


Things are getting better......

Dec 20, 2009

I am feeling so much better, things are falling into place for me and my family, and I have faith that it can only get better.....I am excited soon we will be moving back to Cali in Feb and i will be close to my family and friends there....again so thankful for the people in my life including all my OH friends.....Love all Ya'll!!!!
1 comment

Damn take your vitamins, and be good on your water intake!!

Dec 09, 2009

Ok I am usually good taking my vitamins, and drinking water but these last couple weeks I've been real bad, just real busy and got a lot on my mind so i forget.  I havent taken my vitamins and havent been drinking my water like i should and  I really feel like shit right now....so just so you all know, if you dont know take your damn vitamins and drink your freaken water...LOL!  Dont miss them its not worth it...I need like an alarm or somethin...I aint gonna miss anymore dont like the way I feel right now

About Me
Surgery Date
Nov 29, 2009
Member Since

Friends 72

Latest Blog 11
