Phayth L. 21 years, 8 months ago

heyaaaaaaa girlyyyyyyy wooohooooooo 15 daysssss OMG!!!! I am sooo happy for you. Good luck girly!! you will do just great I am sure!!!

James E. 21 years, 8 months ago


suzanne J. 21 years, 8 months ago

good luck on your upcoming surgery. i know that you will do just will be great seeing you on the otherside.believe me its well worthit

JOE M. 21 years, 8 months ago

Best wishes OBL. May you have a safe and speedy recovery.

David L. 21 years, 8 months ago

Hi One Bright Lady, Your future is getting ready to become brighter.Good luck and wish you a ton of success.OhioDave

angel B. 21 years, 8 months ago

best wishes hun on your upcoming surgery and a speedy recovery.take care and see you on the losing side soon.come on back to the chat room soon and we will miss ya while your away.

Karen B. 21 years, 8 months ago

Hey OBL~~~~Good luck and best wishes and all that!!! It has been great chatting with you once in a while in chat. You will do just fine, you are so well researched and have the mindset. It is a tough choice and you already made it, that is one of the hardest parts of the journey. Once you get past the surgery and figure out the protein, water and how much to eat it will become second nature. You will be in my thoughts and prayers! LOVE & PRAYERS

LM O. 21 years, 8 months ago

OBL, Wishing you the best on your upcoming big day! Praying that your recovery is quick and uneventful. Sending positive thoughts your way. God/Goddess bless you and keep you safe.

Pam C. 21 years, 8 months ago

Hi OBL! Very best wishes on your procedure. I pray everything goes 100% our way. Take great care & Bright blessings!

ChickpeaBree I. 21 years, 8 months ago

hey hey hey woman! it's almost your time to get to the 'other side' with all us posties. Gosh it seemed like forever to wait but hey, it's almost time now. Just know your under such a blanket of prayer from so many hon! **HUGS** and here's to an easy surgery and glowing recovery Bree
About Me
A Trendy Little Town, OH
May 23, 2002
Member Since
