
Nov 18, 2007

well, i got a call from the coordinator of my bariatric office. her name is angie and she is sooooo nice!  she called to let me know that they have scheduled my final two appointments. the first with dr. featherstone is on december 4th at 4.30. this is my FINAL presurgical appointment with my surgeon. they want me to bring my support person who happens to be my wonderful, supportive, pushy husband chris. hes the one im gonna be leaning on to help me learn to cook in a different way and push me to excersise! i love him so much and it means so much to me that hes gonna be right by my side through the whole thing. the second appointment they scheduled me for is the preregistration at the hospital, munson medical center. it is the best hospital in northern michigan. both of my children were born there and they have a top 50 cardiovascular program there. (i know that because my father has had 3 heart attacks) i have many friends who work there also. i have lots of faith in the hospital there. and the best news of all.... angie had spoken to my insurance company and was told that my surgery is to be 100% covered!!!! that was the best news i could of heard from her. she also called to remind me to go off my birth control one month prior to surgery which is today. also, to tell me that i cant take anything but tylenol 7 days prior to surgery day. i cant wait. its so hard to believe that its almost time! after years of trying for this day its so hard to believe that its almost here. i talked to one of my best friends today too, and he told me that he will be there to see me the day of surgery because his wife (who is also a good friend) is pregnant and the day of my surgery is the same day they find out the sex of their baby! they already have 2 girls and im betting on this one being a boy! but he wanted to let me know that they both will be taking the day off of work and will be at the hospital. not only will they both be there, but my mom, sister, dad, hubby, and my friend brittany will all be there that day. its so wonderful to have so much support. now to figure out where the kids are going to go. they have school that day but if everyone is going to be at the hospital (i dont want them there they would be soooo bored) i need to find someone to watch them after school. maybe i will call my sister in law and see if she can come to my house. well i guess thats enough for now.


Nov 07, 2007

well, its finally happened. i finally got a date for surgery. after 3 years of wanting to do this and stuff coming up and insurance problems. i cant wait. im so excited, but scared and nervous at the same time. the surgeon im seeing, dr. featherstone, is really good. the bariatric clinic in traverse city has a perfect record as of right now. they have had no deaths. but, that doesnt mean it cant or wont happen. but, i have faith that the dr.'s know what they are doing and will do everything they can to be sure that all goes well. enough for now i will post more later when ive heard back from the surgeons office about what time my surgery will be at.

About Me
Kalkaska, MI
Apr 13, 2004
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