Hello to all. My story is the same as most other members here. I have been overweight since i was 8. I'm 35 now and cant remember the skinny feeling. Ohh how it must feel. I was always active and really had very few limitations growing up. I would just refuse to let my size limit me. I might not have been as fast as others but i would not quit. In sports i would look for all the angles to help keep me competitive, I would practice for hours at whatever i was doing so i would be the best i could be. Where most of my peers just worried about having fun, I had to worry about proving myself worthy just to fit in... This can take its toll mentally and physically. I had my share of tough times growing up, from the name calling and peers trying to look cool pushing me around. I learned quick that if i stood up to them it was alot easier. I have seen way to many obese kids that were just abused by there peers and even so called Friends. It is heartbreaking. Almost all of us on this site have seen and experienced it. While it is worse during childhood it still hurts as a adult. Add to that the aches, pains, and slower recovery times that come along with aging and the load becomes almost to much to bare.(no pun intended) I have seen many of the member stories on here. Some are inspirational and others very sad. We come here and open our lives up to each other. With what most of us have been through just posting our stories for the world to read makes us, in my opinion, Extremely BRAVE... Good luck to everyone here and everywhere. Lose On!

About Me
marion, nc
Oct 29, 2001
Member Since

Friends 2

Latest Blog 6
12/15/08 The start of something good.
