9 Months and a couple of weeks out....

Oct 29, 2009

Its been a while and i have no excuse. I have gone from a size 52 to a 34 36... Life is going really good despite the weight loss slowing to a crawl. I injured my rotator cup so the exercise has been limited. I'll be back at it soon though. Right now i weight 220 and love the freedom i have in my life. I still cant see myself as others see me but that will come with time i guess. Well till next time happy losing.

102 lbs lost....please dont help me find them!

May 21, 2009

Well i have finally past the 100 lb mark... oh does it fell good. i have had no problems other than self induced... i have gone from a 52" waist to a 40" to 42" depending on the style of the pants. I even wore shorts for the first time in about three years. life is going great... like everyone else i still have the same day to day worries but i find that they are easier to cope with now. Good luck to all and keep on being the losers that we all are.
1 comment

Day 16 and still going....

Jan 29, 2009

Well I'm on day 16 and all is going good. The only thing I'm having trouble with is the low energy levels, and don't seem to be thinking straight. i know it will get better as I'm able to eat better. Right now I'm still just drinking my protein and water. On the plus side I've lost 32lbs and feeling great about that. Time seems to be creeping by, i cant wait till i can really see the difference. I hope everyone else is doing ok on their journey.

7 days out.....and doing well

Jan 20, 2009

Well here it is 7 days post op and doing great. I am missing real food but its not to bad. This liquid diet is hell for me to get enough of the fluids. The surgeon's nurse said not to worry that I'm doing fine. The protein drinks are not that great but if they help me to achieve my goals then ill do it. I have high hopes for my future and my spirits are high. As of today I have lost 23.5lbs. Yes i put the .5 in there. People say they can see a difference but they are just being nice. At my size it wont show much for another 20 lbs or so. I'm just waiting until i can see the difference. I cant wait, I cant wait!!! I'll see everyone on next post.. God Bless Everyone

I Made it !!!!

Jan 15, 2009

well i have made it through the surgery. it was done on 1/13/2009 at 7am. the Co2 gas they inflate your belly with was brutal. Well it was for me. im still sore but that is passing quick. im on my way with the liquid diet and doing well with it...ill be on it for 2 weeks so i need to buy a blender for the soups and a juicer for the fruits.. i am so glad to be a loser. ill update as i progress.

12/15/08 The start of something good.

Dec 15, 2008

Today was my first visit with Dr. Champion in Atlanta, Ga. His office staff were really great. I was made to feel at ease from the moment i walked in the door. Dr. Champion was also great to talk to. I have studied surgery options for a really long time so i didn't have many questions. He did set my mind at ease about which surgery to have. I was in between the Sleeve Gastrectomy and Roux-en-y. He said i was a good candidate for the Roux, so that is what i will have. I am one of the many uninsured so I will have to self pay. Since I don't have to get the insurance OK i was able to set my surgery date....1/13/2009 Yeaaaaa!!!! I can't wait... Best Wishes To All

About Me
marion, nc
Oct 29, 2001
Member Since

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Latest Blog 6
12/15/08 The start of something good.
