Hi Everyone: 
   I Guess my story starts in 1960, when my Mom took me to a Dr. in Washington, D.C., because I ate well but did not gain weight. Can you believe this! Next thing I know I am told to take thyroid medication so I did what I was told. The weight gain began. I started off at 60 pounds at age 10, keep in mind I am  from an Italian family and stood only 4' 8 " tall, at the time. Before long at age 17, I weighed 100 Lbs., by age 30 I was 130 Lbs., and climbed to 145 Lbs by age 45. I struggled to  loose weight or even to stay at the same weight. I was always very active at work & at home & at play, even though I suffered with constant chronic IBS diarreah. I yo yo yo'd with my weight for 10 or more years. Weighing in at 138 lbs. in 2000, I took ill with diverticulitis and was in & out of the hospital in horrible stomach pain. Then in Jan. 2001, I had a colon re-section surgery. This surgery was the beginning of my on going nightmare. The incision, ( broke open) leaving me to heal with no sutures from the inside out. This incision was 5 inches deep and 11 inches long. Healing took 8 months when the first of many mulitple hernias arrived. I had the hernia's repaired having with out any mesh & the same thing occur with the wound opening and having to heal from the inside of with out sutures, which included 8 more months of healing. After 3 unsuccessful hernia repairs surgeries, some with mesh some without, some with pig skin, the onset of MRSA staff infection, diabetes, daily acid reflux, leaking heart valve disease, pancreatitus, IBS( with chronic dirreah), feet & leg pain, causing me weakness. My health was declining with my weight out of control at 195 pounds. So today I still have many more hernia's and was hoping for lap. gastric bypass surgery & I was hoping to get the hernias repaired at the same time, with the least invasive method available. Then I found that my insurance company does not pay for any gastric bypass and would not pay for the hernia surgery if done at the same time, so here I am. I also was told by my colon Dr. that he would "not" even give me a colonoscopy as it was too dangerous. So I was not a candidate for any surgery. With all of my health issues, I was hoping to end the diabetic, rapid heart beat, breathing difficulties, edema, acid reflux, stomach pain issues as well as the leg pain and other problems but here I am, with hernia & my weight now at 189 lbs.
MY Weight is my worst enemy. I am determined to get my health back. I am now working toward my new goal, getting out to , walk, swim, and stay on a fat free diet, it is difficult with constant pain & diarreah and much fatigue.I am determined to loose 50 pounds, on my own, to improve my health. I am Looking for a little help from my OH friends. bunny17300.

About Me
Jun 30, 2007
Member Since

Friends 23
