Been a long time

Apr 28, 2007

It's been so long since I've been on here. I should be ashame of myself. First of all, by Jan. 2007, I was down to 210, but since then, I've been drinking Starbucks coffee like it's going out of style. I've gained ten pounds! Yikes!!! I guess I could blame the work related stress or the family related stress, but it's basically my fault. Today, I walked over two miles to get myself together. I should keep things like it used to be. I know the rules. Eat protein. Take my vitamins. Drink plenty of water. Exercise. Don't eat junk. I've been drinking sweet coffee. I've eaten whatever I want. I've even stopped going to the gym that I'm paying for monthly. I will do better. I will get it together before my trip to Vegas in June. I have over a month to kick it in gear.

December 2006

Dec 14, 2006

I have written anything in a bit. I do feel great. I've had a lot of wow moments lately. God is so good. I can't believe that I can now wear a Large in shirts and a 14 in most pants and dresses. I've never been this small! In high school, I can remember wearing a size 16 briefly, but I mostly wore 18's and 20's. I feel like a new person. I just can't believe it. I still treat myself to snacks once or twice a week, but I do eat meats, veggies, and fruits. I also drink non-carbonated drinks. I mostly drink Crystal Light, unsweetened tea, and water. I will have to admit to an addiction to STARBUCKS! Oh my goodness! Save me! I love Mocha Light fraps. and sugarfree vanilla lattes. I need serious help from my coffee treats. I eat a lot fruit and that seems to agree with me. I still try to eat 4 or 5 small meals a day and 2 healthy snacks. I don't wish to lose any more weight unless it's gradually over the next year, but no more than 10-14 pounds. 
I did have a bad fall this week. I fell down the stairs because I had overworked myself around the house. As I walked down the stairs, my right leg gave out. It used to be my weak leg, and that often happened when I was obese, but this is the first time it has happened since I have had WLS. I was surprised. But I guess I have to get used to how my new body works. If I abuse it, it will let me down. 
I'm excited about Christmas this year. Last year, I was a bit down because I couldn't enjoy it like I was used to so many years ago. Now, I have learned that Christmas isn't just about giving and taking. It's about Jesus. I don't have to eat a lot of food to feel like it's Christmas. I can eat a small amount and still be happy. Merry Christmas!!!

New Profile - November 21st

Nov 21, 2006

Starting today, my old profile will only be visible through the archived information listed on "my story." I will update through blogging. Right now I'm preparing for Thanksgiving. I'm doing some cooking. Last year I was pitiful because I couldn't eat anything but mashed potatoes, but now I eat pretty normally. I've lost about 115 pounds. I wear a size 14 comfortably, which my goal was to get to a size 16 and I've surpassed that goal. I don't wish to lose more than another 15 more pounds. I'd like to firm my thighs, arms, and stomach. Other than that, I'm pretty happy with myself.

About Me
Virginia Beach, VA
Surgery Date
Oct 31, 2005
Member Since

Friends 2

Latest Blog 3
Been a long time
December 2006
New Profile - November 21st
