C_Shey wrote a blog post 14 years ago
July 2010 - There is so much going on in my life. But I guess that is what life is all about. I am so busy with the kids, and working. I have gained yes I said "gained" 10lbs. I am so scared, ...

C_Shey wrote a blog post 14 years, 7 months ago
Update December 09 - I can not believe that I am 2yrs and 3 mos. out of surgery. It seems like just yesterday!  I can eat anything and everything I want. I really have to watch it or I know I can gain ...
About Me
Surgery Date
Mar 13, 2007
Member Since

Friends 21

Latest Blog 19
Sept. 2008 update
Aug 08 Update
June 08 Update
May 08 - How Things are going
March 21, 2008 - Easter
March 08
1/2/08 The New Year
