December 11, 2006-Journey Back on Track

Dec 11, 2006

After putting my WLS journey on hold to have a beautiful daughter, I am back on track and ready to be banded. I had to go into Dr. Woodman's office last Wednesday toupdate my information so that they could send it off to the insurance company. I called UHC this morning and they said they had received my packet and I will have an answer in 30 days (but they person I talked to said that they usually don't take that long). My husband had his information submitted a week earlier so I am hoping to hear about his surgery soon. We are hoping to have surgery around the same time so that we can make this huge life change together. We are looking forward to getting healthy together and being good examples for our girls. I am working on adding some pictures of them.

About Me
Memphis, TN
Surgery Date
Mar 30, 2005
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December 11, 2006-Journey Back on Track
