getting better :)

Aug 04, 2012

 well, my best friend has been in town for the last week, he leaves on Monday :( to go back to Florida with his lovely fiance.  and has gotten me out of the house every day since Wednesday!! 

On Wednesday, we went to the beach with a bunch of our friends for a clam bake (i obviously couldn't partake in the foodly fun, but i had a blast anyhow.) i sat in the shade of this big ol tree and watched the water on Hamlin beach make lil itty bitty waves :) i made an effort to take short lil walks over to the water and back again, and enjoyed the company of some old friends i haven't seen in awhile, and some new ones i had met just that day. it was incredible! then frank and i (best friend from out of town) came back to my apartment, sat in the backyard for a few more hours just talking about our lives, and laughed, and it was incredible.

On Thursday, i had my endoscopy because of the problems i had been having with dizziness, being light headed and eating in general...the scope came back fine, there was nothing wrong with me. just have to wait out the poopy feelings. after the scope i went to franks mom's house to have dinner with him, his mother, his father, and his fiance. again more talking and laughing...i was laughing so hard i got nauseous after eating lol then i went with my mother to see my grandmother, who was strangely interested in the surgery and the effects and how i could eat for the rest of my life (she is generally only interested in herself lol) 

On Friday, Frank came and picked me up. we went to our old friend Jason's house to see him, his fiance and his mother. which was just one big ball of laughter for the couple hours we were there, like we were all teenagers again :) after Jason's Frank and i picked up Amanda (his fiance) and went to meet his aunt ducce, the funniest most real down to earth woman i have EVER made contact with...and somehow it took this jerk 11 years to introduce me to my equal, though 40 years older lol we had an incredible time there and then went to see my cousin who frank hasn't seen the last 2 times he's been back...then we headed back to my place..he cooked some burgers on the grill and i did up some veggies, we started a fire and sat out in the yard till it got too dark and we got too was a beautiful evening :)

And that brings us to today! today we are having a cookout for frank to A: use the rest of the food up from the clam bake, and B: get to see some more friends before he leaves..again i won't partake in much of the foodly activities...but i can most definitely grill up some more veggies :) so I'm quite sure today will be a great day also..and tomorrow we will be hanging out just the 2 of us bc Amanda has a bridal shower to attend..

My whole point in laying all of that out was to say if you read my previous blog post, you will see i haven't been in the best of spirits...and i have had a bit of pain and discomfort since the surgery...but since frank has come to town and brightened my week up so very much it seems that everything else is falling into place as's very easy to get yourself down in the dumps..and even easier to stay there...the more positivity you have surrounding yourself, the more happiness you feel and convey...the easier it will be to jump any hurdle standing in your way! I've made it through the first month! and number 2 just holds my approval for solid foods...once i get thru this..i can get thru ANYTHING!! also I've felt well enough to even start my lil exercise regimen once frank leaves on Monday...i live in a town that is right on Erie canal, so i plan to take my dog Caz on walks there (as i get stronger they will hopefully become runs, or bike rides, at the very least extensive power walking) and eventually i would like to find somewhere i can swim also. but for now i want to be outdoors as much as possible enjoying the fresh air and sunshine i have missed so dearly! well until next time!! stay happy!

Brand new.

Jul 30, 2012

So I'm still trying to get used to this website, and well this surgery.  I got the RNY gastric bypass on July 2, 2012. So i am still just a few weeks out. and desperately trying to figure out how to get thru this ever-lovin pureed/soft-food stage. I have been having, i guess you could call them, side effects. Lots of nausea, dizziness, gas or food getting stuck in my throat blah blah blah. It's been incredibly say the least. Because of the current symptoms i have been attempting to handle (sadly with little support, hence my turning to this website) i have found myself some bit depressed. I, as I'm sure most of the human race, am not a fan of being depressed, especially considering i had this surgery to open my happiness, to possibilities, to everything it holds! Granted, I'm aware my current situation will, if nothing else, be temporary...and it's not life threatening (thank goodness!!) I'm just looking for some like minded individuals that have had similar problems, or haven't, or anyone really to talk to. i want to be able to share my journey, my highs, my lows, and everything in between. I would like to find people that are willing to do the same. well, thanks for reading :) I'm going to continue to peruse this incredible website i will see what comes to mind later on!!! talk to y'all soon!! 

About Me
Brockport, NY
Surgery Date
Oct 20, 2011
Member Since

Friends 4

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