Frustrated and trying to remain hopeful

Aug 16, 2009

Well weight loss has really slowed down for me.  I have barely lost anything in the last 4-5 weeks since my last fill.  Maybe 4 or 5 pounds at most. 

I've also had some pain (located between the port incision and the one above my belly button), particularly after I eat.  I have no idea if this is normal.  In the past week I've also noticed I'm not getting a real "full" sensation after I eat which also worries me.

Then Friday, on my birthday no less, I had excruciating pain on my right side.  I knew I had overeaten, and also indulged in some high-fat and high-calorie portions (something I don't do habitually) for my birthday so I thought it was just bc I overate.  The pain was on my right side however...just under the breastbone and soon radiated around the side of my hip and into my back.  It got to the point that it was literally intolerable and I took some ibuprofen but ended up having to go to the ER as it was so bad.

Long story short, after several hours, blood work, peeing in a cup and then having an ultra-sound done, it has been determined that I have gall stones and need to get my gall bladder out.  NOT news I wanted to hear, especially when I have a scheduled vacation to Australia coming up on September 24th. :o(

The hospital were fantastic, treated me so well (OHSU are always fabulous) and even followed up with a phone call this morning (Sunday) to make sure I was doing alright.  I'm following a no dairy and no fat diet until I can have surgery so tomorrow I'll be calling my pcp and also the specialist at OHSU and trying to arrange to get the gall bladder out pronto.  I'm hoping I can have it done my someone who also does lap bands so if there's anything amiss while they're there they can fix it. lol I don't know if that is possible but I"m going to shoot for it.

So I'm pretty bummed right now.  I've saved every little bit of vacation time at work for my trip in September (to go home to Australia for two weeks to spend time with my family whom I haven't seen in six years) so I will have to take any time off work for the surgery as non pay.  This of course does not pay the mortgage so it's going to be a littel stressful at best.

I guess we'll be okay but it's a stress I'd rather do without.  I just hope the recovery is quick and most importantly, post surgery I don't end up with chronic pain or diarreah (things I've heard can happen) and that I can tolerate normal foods again.

My other worry is that when my gall bladder was checked in February of this year it was normal - no gall stones.  I had my lap band surgery on April 7, 2009 and since then I've developed gall stones.  I wonder if it's my diet (I do try and be cognitive of fat; I only drink non fat 1/2 and 1/2 in my coffee but I have a little cheese with my grapes as a snack each day so there is fat there, and I was also having eggs every day (bfast) and also chopped up italian sausage (as a lunch) pretty regularly.  So a few of those things may have contributed to it.  I know the sausage is a bit naughty but I found it tasty and easy to digest without sticking probs.

Ack... I have no idea what to do.  So at this stage I guess I'll wait and see what the doc says tomorrow.  In the meantime I have Almond Breeze and Soy Milk to enjoy.  Oh vey!



Jun 22, 2009

Gosh, only 42 days post op. Feels like it hasn't even been that long. I checked my calendar and today is officially the 98th day since I embarked on this journey, and began my pre-op diet.

It's been peppered with struggles and also mini-successes thus far. The pain right after surgery was a little more than I expected, but that in part I blame up on my sister, who had me believe it would be easy-peasy, as apparently she didn't want to scare me off. So I had lowered my expectations, pain wise. lol

But honestly, overall it was fine and of course I had a loving and attentive husband who took immense care of me every single step of the way. And darling friends who have been and continue to be, incredibly supportive.

I have already achieved my first goal (see below how much I have lost) and my next goal is to be under 300lbs by my September trip back home to visit family.  A hefty goal to set myself but one I believe I can achieve, nonethelss. a nutshell, would I do  all this again? Abso-freakin-lutely.

How much have I lost thus far then, you probably are curious to know... they say, a pic is worth a thousand words so I'm going to show you two pics at my heaviest, right at Christmas time (2008) and then a pic taken this morning (on a cell phone about an hour ago so not at all a great quality pic).

December, 2008 at 381 lbs


Today - June 22, 2009 at 329 lbs

So all in all - 52 lbs lost so far!!!

Long way to go but am pleased with the start and at my first dr's follow-up appt I learned I was 10-15 lbs ahead of the "curve". 

Scale success YAY

Jun 11, 2009

So I had my first fill about two and a half weeks ago.  I noticed a wee bit of restriction but not significant.  Right now it's really will power and sticking to protein, vegies and minimal carbs.  I will confess I do indulge in potato salad often tho; not that I did that much prior to surgery but it's a quick, easy side that's ready to go. I just make sure it's a very small amt and is handy if I dn't have time to get some salad or other vegies ready.  However, I'm trying to move away from that and maybe even make up some egg salad or curried egg on the weekend for the coming week instead.

So anyway, got on the scales this morning and I'm now at 330.8 lbs! A few days ago I hit the 50lb loss officially!!! So my first goal has been obtained!   My next big goal is being under 300lbs by my trip back home to Australia in September.  I'm confident it can happen!  I have a fill in July so hopefully that will make a big diffeence.  I have a 14 cc band and suspect I'm going to probably need at least two more fills to reach a decent restriction but we'll see I guess.

The one thing I KNOW is paramount, I totally know how important it is, but alas, have not been doing, is excercising.  I got the gym pass for my community center where I'm aching to get in the pool but have been so tired.  So I'm going to make it a new ritual that at least on Fridays - both mine and hubby's flex day, we'll go.  It's  a small sputter of a start, and he's in far, far better condition than I (he has maybe 20 lbs to lose but overall he has a GREAT body; very sexy, good-looking man...I'm a lucky gal) but I figure even a small start is a good start, and then I can build from the momentum.

I expect, once I start to get into it and feel more energized that I'll want to increase it.  I think right now my tiredness is greatly attributed to my weight.  Granted, it's 51lbs lighter than it was in February, but it's still a heavy, cumbersome body right now, that saps my energy.

Anyway, going strong.  Hope you all are too! *hugz*

The scales have finally moved again!

May 03, 2009

After nearly 3 weeks of fighting a pound back and forth the scales officially moved today and I lost 3 lbs!  I'm so happy! Down to 343lbs now.

Also, as of next Tuesday I'm officially onto the soft foods stage (can have Melba toast as snacks too which is awesome) but I made an executive decision and started last night with some of the softer food (eggs, very moist chicken, pork and soft green beans etc) and I think this has helped the scales move too.  I figured starting a few days early won't kill me and frankly I felt far better for it.

Let me tell you that first real "meal" after what, nearly seven weeks, was A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.  It was just a wee bit of roast chicken and little bit of pork sausage bbqd and some herbed green beans (all still under 4oz) and it was soooo freaking good, I kid you not.  I thought my mouth was going to explode.  I won't make a habit with the pork sausage tho bc of the fat but pork is allowed at least.  I chewed the heck out of pea sized pieces tho!

This morning I had some scrambled eggs courtesy of hubby they were pretty tasty too. 

WLS Journey - Day 8 Post-op

Apr 16, 2009

I'm home from work today. I went in yesterday but only stayed half a day.  I discovered that it was a bit too much pain wise and I was honestly exhausted. Will go in and do overtime tomorrow and Saturday but resting up today.

In other news - omg - I'm no longer 350 lbs (my miracle milestone reached yesterday).

I got on the scale this morning and I'm 346 lbs . A lot still, to be sure but regardless, it's a good ways down from my starting weight of 379 lbs only a few weeks ago.

That is now a total of 33 lbs lost. Woot!

In other news, I'm getting really effing sick of liquids. Oh for a scrambled egg.

WLS - Day 5 Post Op

Apr 12, 2009

Firstly - HAPPY EASTER everybody!! :o)

Well, I've made it this far and retained my sanity. Yesterday was a difficult day in terms of pain, discomfort and overall spirit. I had many moments of "why did I do this", largely exacerbated by the physical way I was feeling. A large part of it was caused by the gas they had pumped into my stomach cavity during surgery which takes awhile for your body to dispel and absorb. ugh.

So the first thing I've been dealing with is is this overwhelming desire to burp all the time except most of the time I can't. Secondly, a bloating and uncomfortable pressure in my tummy that just really feels horrible. I was genuinely worried that the sensation of needing to burp was a permanent thing but folks who have been banded here assure me it is temporary and I will start to feel better so that filled me with great relief.

God I hope so. lol

Last night I felt a bit better and some friends came over and we played poker. I had to stretch my feet out on another chair so that I was more reclined as sitting up hurts a bit atm. It was a good night although I was still achy throughout. They all munched out on pizza and egg rolls and garlic bread and salad. I had 3 oz of vegetable broth and two sugar free popsicles. lol One of which (a purple one) proceeded to turn my teeth, lips and tongue nearly black - much to the amusement of my guests and husband.

I thought it would be really difficult with all the food there and while it wasn't easy easy, it was nowhere as bad as I expected. Partly perhaps bc I genuinely didn't feel great with all the gas pressure in my tummy and chest and I think largely bc I knew I couldn't have it so no point drooling over it and torturing myself so I pretty much focused on other things.

I will say I've been having some difficulty getting my fluids in. I don't want to end up dehydrated but when you're not allowed to have more than 6 oz of liquid an hour it's hard to not forget to keep drinking and how much you have had already. Plus I am supposed to also take in around 3-4 oz of protein liquid an hour. gah I will say once I flavored my water with lemon Crystal Light it made things much more bearable. :o) I just really am not fond of plain water. Wish I was but I ain't.

I have been good at keeping my log current of my injections and have been self-injecting the blood thinner twice a day as prescribed. It actually seemed far worse when they told me I'd have to do it than the actual act of doing it. It usually doesn't really hurt, it's just a PITA. My hips are black and blue lol but aside from that, it's all good. I think it helps that the needles are so tiny and short. I feel kinda bad ass when I do it. Like I'm tough. rofl. It's true. heehee

Robert says he can see a definite difference in me already (I wonder if he's saying that to make me feel better though) although I still can't register on our scales (they show an error reading if you're heavier than 350 lbs) but I will confess that my top seems looser this morning than it did a week or so ago when I wore it last.

My tummy is still sore and feeling bloated but every day seems to be an improvement. I've been getting some (normal - gas related again) pain in my left shoulder and side which also supposedly subsides soon (thank goodness) and that kinda drags you down mentally.

I switched from Hydrocodone (my lovely narcs) to Extra Strength Tylenol (liquid form) so I'm a bit more crotchety as it doesn't alleviate the pain quite as effectively but I know I just need to suck it up and deal. I've probably also been pushing myself a little bit too much around the place so that probably also contributes to my soreness.

I had hoped and planned to return to work this Tuesday but thus far I doubt that will happen. Maybe Thursday but we'll see. I wanted to work overtime on Friday and Saturday so I can accrue the time needed to our trip to Australia so I need to be feeling good by then at least. Argh.

Well, I think I'm going to doze by the fire for awhile. Robert is out having brekkie with one of our friends we normally brunch with and I've just turned the gas fireplace on. It's a good day to be lazy. :o) Robert promised to bring me back a Starbucks latte (I have the non fat sugar free but had to downsize from a grande to a short now lol) so that'll be something to look forward to.

Cheers folks and again, the happiest of Easters to you all. *smooches*

p.s. I now have four flower arrangements in my house and am expecting a fifth (from my family in Australia) to arrive in the next day or so. I'm running out of places to put them. :o) (Granted, one bunch is from me to my hubby for taking good care o' me).

Banded! I'm OTR now!! (over the rainbow). Day 2

Apr 09, 2009

Well I'm back from Coos Bay and I'm BANDED!  This post is a little bit of a struggle to write as I have to fight my eyes crossing and me nodding off due to the hydrocodone. lolol

Robert (my darling husband) and I arrived around 8:40am (we left Portland just after 4am since the drive from Portland to Dr. Tersigni's practice and the hospital in Coos Bay is around 4 1/2 hrs) and went straight over to the Red Lion Hotel (who gave us a teriffic discount bc we were using the hospital) where we were fortunate enough to be allowed to have our hotel early so we went and unloaded some of our stuff and his golf clubs (that he never ended up getting to use, poor guy) then headed over to the specialist's clinic to sign some consent forms, etc.

After that we headed over to Bay Area Hospital and they checked me in straight away.  The only sucky thing was the waiting.  We got there about 10:45am and I was in my gown and bed and had signed papers and had all my stats done by 11:15am I'd guess.  Because of the liquid diet I was a bit dehydrated which made inserting an iv a nightmare for them.  The poor nurse stuck me on the left hand and then tried on my right, to now avail.  Finally they called in my anesthesiologist who reminded me of a short version of the wonderful actor, John Turturro.  He was from Romania so had a very thick accent but I understood him most of the time. lol  He was very kind and very skilled but had difficulty getting a vein too so he brought back a small ultrasound unit and managed to find a vein that way.  It was in the inner part of my right elbow crease so not the most comfortable spot in the world but at least that part was done!

So I was scheduled for a 12:30pm surgery but didn't end up getting in until about 3pm.  Poor Robert had been trying to stay away but he kept nodding off as well as me.  I kept telling him to go back to the hotel and get something to eat and a bit of a sleep but he refused.

When I was finally wheeled into the operating theater I was suprised that the operating bed was sooooo narrow.  Expecially given the fact that quite a few patients of my dr would be even bigger than me.  Anyway, I remember getting on that bed and then my arm with the iv was laid out straight on an arm rest thing and a mask was put on my face (just resting, not attached at that point and then I was suddenly aware I couldn't breathe.  I yelped twice to let them know "I can't breathe, I can't breathe" and that was the last of my memory.  The next thing I remember (barely) is being in recovery then finally being wheeled to my room.

I was supposed to get my own private room but I guess some gastric bypass patiens were using them up.  I was a bit annoyed since mine was a self-pay and I was told I'd get getting it but at the end of the day, what can you do? Not worth getting your knickers in a knot over, that's for sure.  However my neighbor was an old, very frail lady was in for bowel obstruction; this was her NINTH surgery, poor, poor lady. I felt so bad for her.  I know they would get her on this chair potty thing by her bed as she kept getting bad diarrhea.  This of course didn't phase me most of the tima ss I was out of it but when it was about an hour to my check up and Robert and I were talking and she was squirting from behind the curtain and passing the squeakies flatulence for ever and ever, it was hard to stomach.  Good think our queasy friend J wasn't there, he would have passed out. lol

Robert had waited until the surgery was done and my doc came out briefly to let him know it all went home then my beautiful boy went to a steakhouse (he said an Indian man owned it and it was so slow the owner and the cook were playing cribbage.  apparently the day cook had made some kind of curry/potato soup up and the man being Indian didn't think it would be that good but it turned out excellent so R had some of that which he said made up for the not-so-good steak).  R said he just chit-chatted with the guy and relaxed then headed back to the hotel for a nap.  He then came back over to the hospital (close by) and was sweet enough to dish me ice-chips which was all I could take that first day.

The second day thankfully, I could also sip water and I also had 3 oz of a protein drink which was so nice after not having anything but water. lol

I had to have a "swallow study" (an x-ray where they have you swallow this nasty fluid so they can make sure it's all going down properly, no leaks etc).  Upon getting up out of my wheelchair I guess I didn't have quite as much morphine in my system that I needed as I nearly doubled over from the pulling pain sensation on my left side where the port is.  I persevered (and got the great news from the specialist reviewing the film that everything looked great) and then as soon as I got back to my bed believe you me, I pressed that nurse buzzer and let my nurse know, "NEEDZ MORE MORPHINE NOE" lol

That second hit of morphine made the difference.  I still hurt but it was a bearable pain.  They also gave me some right before I was discharged bc it was such a long drive and I had to stop once and take some of my oral pain medication on the way home as I got really sore again and then had two more doses last night (made sure not to follow the dosage instructions tho).  So overall am doing ok but noticed last night I'm having a bit of trouble peeing.  Like my brain is having trouble telling my bladder to empty itself. weird, i know.  I'll call my pharmacist this morning to discuss but my guess is if it persists they may take me off it.   I'd rather persevere tho since they want to wean me off it starting tomorrow (replacing with extra-strength Tylenol).

Lastly, one thing that shocked me was when my dr. visited he told me bc of my BMI he wanted to be very sure I didn't get a blood clot so he was going to have me take home some medicine that I'd have to INJECT myself with. WTF??  He sent my nurse in with swabs, needles and an orange to practice on and she showed me then had me do it on myself (on the hip).  Firstly, navigating to find my hip then being able to pinch it when I'm this heavy is not the simplest of tasks.  I did it however and was shocked at the almost complete lack of pain when giving the shot.  I have to do this twice a day for five days so I'm sure it'll get old soon enough. I also have to keep a medical journal so I know what I had and where I gave it.

So anyway, we got home last night and I was suffering with the driest mouth I've ever experienced in life, from any surgeries.  I suspect it has something to do with the liquid diet I've been on too but again, what can you do? I just made darn sure my water bottle was always in reach as I've been swigging that thing like crazy as my mouth felt gross and puckered. lolol

We watched a wee bit of telly last night but found I was drifting off so I snoozed on the couch for a little bit whilst R watched a dvd and then had some more hydrodone and my other meds and went to sleep.  I know I should be using my C-Pap machine but they didn't end up pulling it out at the hospital so I thought stuff it, I don't want to use it at home but I made sure my pillows were really fluffed up so I was sitting more upright than laying down. I also asked R to sleep in our master with me in the king last night (bc of my snoring (from the apnea) he normally sleeps in the spare room which sucks).  He was great last night, very attentive any time I got up and brought me some more medicine about 5am when I needed pain relief.  I can't say enough good things about him.

I got up around 3 or 4am and talked to my sis which was great.  I must have sounded like an old woman to her tho with my croaky voice.  I did confess to her that the initial pain was a lot worse than I had expected and she said yeah, which is why I didn't want to tell you that bc we both knew we needed to get it done so it was a matter of having to suck it up and the heavy pain doesn't last that long.  I also talked to Mum which was great.  It'd been awhile since we'd last spoke so it was nice to catch up.

Today I've had my 3 oz protein drink and water altho R's gone up to Starbux to treat us with a coffee each (which I'm allowed to have - yay).  The diff is now I can only have a tall cup (am thinking of moving to small if they have it) and I can't drink all of it as they don't want more than 6-8 oz an hour. But GAWD it was great to have a latte yesterday and I'm so eagerly awaiting the one R just went up the street to get.

Later, I get to have runny oatmeal. I never thought that porridge would excite me so much. lolol

Thanks everyone so much for your well wishes.  You have no idea how much it means to me. :o)

p.s. I've fallen asleep for about ten or so secs at least 4 times while writing this blog. lol

WLS Journey - Day 7 of liquid diet

Mar 23, 2009

I've lost 6 lbs. Yay. down to 371. It's a start.

About Me
Surgery Date
Feb 19, 2007
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