Pam G. 21 years, 9 months ago

Hi Kathy. I can relate to your eating everything you love before your big day. I think you should pamper yourself and do whatever you want. Do it 100%! Give yourself a going away party. Then when you go, when you step into your new life give it 100% also! You are so beautiful. Treat yourself as the beautiful person you are. Looks like yours are a rare gift. Good luck little weight loss sister.

Debbie A. 21 years, 10 months ago

Kathy - What a gorgeous picture you have on your profile page - you are one beautiful lady! Your posting really touched me. When one of my best friends had WLS 4 years ago - I was the biggest naysayer in the group. She wasn't as overweight as I was then (I'm even heavier now!) and was really healthy. She had always said that her weight wasn't an issue to her and I really believe that was true. She's always been happy and outgoing...and throws the BEST parties! After adding another 20 pounds to her tiny-short frame she started having lots of joint aches and decided to look into WLS. It only took her 6 weeks from the time she looked into WLS - until she actually had it! I WAS APPALLED! But her WLS has withstood the test of time. She's 90 pounds lighter and healthy as a horse and living life to the fullest! Obviously I think her decision was a good one - 'cuz here I am having my OWN surgery next month, on September 17th! I've always been an active "fat" person and it's only been the last 50 pounds that have really caused me to realize I was slowly killing myself. That and the fact that my mother & grandmother (both normies!) have had strokes. My doctor tells me with my slowly increasing elevated blood pressure and all my extra weight - I am a stroke waiting to happen! I hope all my blabbering helps you in some way. I really think choosing WLS is a courageous decision for us to make!

kylakae 21 years, 10 months ago

Kathy, just keep repeating to yourself that you DESERVE to be healthy and happy! If your mother would like to talk to another mom let me know, my mother is a great proponent of the surgery and I'm sure she'd be happy to share her thoughts with your mom! Love and hugs!

Denise W. 21 years, 10 months ago

Kathy, I too believe that our days are numbered, and I also struggled with my WLS decision for many weeks. Found 2 verses that especially touched my heart pre op...Psalm 56:3 - When I am afraid, I will trust in you. & Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you...plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Our God is SO awsome, and you are SO precious to Him!! I know I must have changed my mind a million times during those days, so I truly hope you will be able to feel real peace with whatever decision you do make =)

Annie E. 21 years, 11 months ago

Hi Kathy: Boy, I think a lot of us can relate. I know that I want to loose weight to be the best person I can be physically - both for health and appearance. I know none of us are perfect, just would like to be better. I can relate to the hubby being thin and hunky - my boyfriend is a hottie. I too have tried every diet known to modern society - even lost 91 pounds by fasting for 7 months - problem with that is, as soon as you eat, you gain weight. Please feel free to email me anytime you want to chat - [email protected]. Take care.

Leslie C. 21 years, 11 months ago

Hi Kathy.... Girl, I feel the same way. I too have tried them all (check out my profile for the story) and have discovered that when it comes to my weight, the only thing I have been really good at is failing at dieting. I too want to have hubby bring me home something sexy. We are going to make it happen. Tell your husband to rest up, cuz once you have a little choocha off (my cute term for fat), he will be exhausted and broke!!!! Hang in there.

mlwinn77 21 years, 11 months ago

Hi Kathy, I wanted to say I read your post and boy have I felt like that many times. I wanted to make husband feel like damn honey. I wanted to wish you much luck with everything and hope nothing but the best for you. Hang in there. Michelle Winner
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Deland, FL
Jul 11, 2002
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