blessednblu 21 years, 8 months ago

Hi Kathy, I attend Overeaters Anonymous. I attend about once every quarter now. It was very helpful to me a few years ago when I was actually losing weight, but had become compulsive with exercising (three hours a day/six days a week). As for eating disorders, you would see a mental health practitioner, such as a psychiatrist, psychologist, or licensed professional counselor. They are the ones that work with you to help you deal with your eating disorder. I see a psychiatrist and she is wonderful!! I hope all works out for ya!! Kuri, the true blue luzer!

rebalspirit 21 years, 8 months ago

Hi Kathy, I have tried Overeaters Anonymous and while I owe my life to another 12 Step program, I cannot say the same for OA. It was like going to Nazi food-camp where everyone is talking about the food and nobody is talking about the reasons they are eating, other than talking about cravings. But the feelings and life circumstances behind the head hunger were rarely if ever discussed and I found that so unhelpful. I also found that many people would lose the weight and then regain, unless they were rigid with their food plans. There was no gray area with these more rigid people and I found them to be rather cold and unapproachable. I also experienced the same types of prejudice and discrimination as an obese person that I find in our society. The skinny people were revered and the rest of us were ignored unless we spouted the same things that the skinny people were saying. Recently I gave OA one last chance (I didn't realize it at the time, but afterward, that was my decision), and I literally walked into a room of less than 12 women, one of whom I sing in choir with at church (I didn't know that she was a member until I walked into that room), and I walked out of the room without anyone, not one single person, saying a word to me or welcoming me to the group. I don't expect people to fall all over me, but a simple "hello" or "glad you are here" is not too much to expect. I wonder what type of "program" they are "working" when they can't even welcome a newcomer. I was outraged when I left there and swore at that moment I would never return to OA. I don't need to go some place for help and be treated like the rest of society treats us. I would rather go to prison then return to OA. Okay, now some people swear by OA, but unless you are wanting to be on a diet for the rest of your life (I want surgery so I don't have to be, and they don't work anyway), I would say don't bother. However, I truly believe everyone should at least check out all of their options. So, find a meeting, go with an open mind to three or four meetings and then decide how you feel about being there. My experience is my experience and like I said, some people swear by OA. Everyone is an individual. What works for one may not work for another and vice versa. God bless you on your journey and let us know how the hypnotism works for you. I'm very interested in your results. Robin

Monette L. 21 years, 8 months ago

Kathy, I just wanted to let you know that I went to my son's soccer practice a couple weeks ago and took one of our old folding chairs, and what do you know, I was trying to just blend in with everyone, sitting in my chair - it starts to cave in. I literally bent the metal on my folding chair legs! That was quite embarrassing. My chair totally collasped. I thought o'boy look at the fat girl!! And of course first thing that pops into my mind after embarrassmemnt is, I can't wait to have my surgery.

Tami D. 21 years, 8 months ago

Kathy, Just a quick note on the sugar addicition problem. I too craved sweets very badly preop. But what I have discovered since surgery 8 weeks ago is it is gone! Once I got the sugar out of my system, which post op for at least a while you are on liquids and puree and can't eat it anyway, I stopped craving it. Also, many folks will dump on sugar. This is a positive reinforcement for not eating sweets. But honestly, I just plain don't want them any more. This lady may be able to eat a whole bag of Oreo's washing them down, but I imagine she has to really work hard to do it, and why would you want to? It is hard to explain, but post op it isn't only just your tummy that changes. YOU change. The tool gives you the ability to do so. Be sure you want to change, then if you are.. go for it. You will find a great life on the other side. Tami

Moma V. 21 years, 9 months ago

Kathy, I'd go for the hypnotist thing, I did to stop smoking. :) I am soon going to start the next tape for weight loss. I can afford to loose several pounds and STILL qualify for surgery. I didn't think anything would help me with my smoking, and it did. ~~prayers~~

Jamie V. 21 years, 9 months ago

Kathy, When I read your post I was stuck by what you said about not knowing how to behave if you were skinny. The same as always just healthier and with more energy. Only you can make your choice for surgery. Pray for Gods guidance and allow his will to be done. Listen to your gut feelings they are the ones you can rely on the most. Everyone has an opinion about this surgery so listening to yourself is the best thing you can do. It is okay to talk with other people and gather information about this surgery but do not feel as if what they say sould influence what you do. Hope that made sense. God Love you and so do the people that really matter in your life. God Bless and keep that wonderful smile I see in your picture. Jamie

Shayne W. 21 years, 9 months ago

Kathy I too have a surgery date of November 15th 2 days after my 28th Birthday. I am terrified also. This is my 2nd attempt to do this being that the first time I was denied. And like you I was so relieved to be denied. But 2 years later Ive gained more weight and im back at the approval stage again. My surgeon is confident it's going to be approved so she booked me LAP RNY anyway. I have 2 young children and only weigh 236. I dont want surgery at all but like you I feel it is my only way out. Kathy im scared too. I still have a small chance of being denied but other than that I feel like im on a roller coaster I cant stop. Please let me know what you finally decide. I question this decision every day I wake up. I am so scared!!!! God Bless Shayne West

j-bird333 21 years, 9 months ago

Hi, Kathy! First I just have to say, your picture on your profile in gorgeous! Wow! You take really good pictures! I also wanted to say that I wish you good luck in whatever you decide. Whether you do this or not is YOUR decision & yours alone. Look at the entire picture & decide if you really want this or not. Feel free to email me if you need someone to chat with. I also live close-by, in Deltona... Take care, Jamie =0)

kelly D. 21 years, 9 months ago

Kathy: I went to a Smart Dimensions seminar today. They give you all the gross details on the two most common typs of surgery. I see the surgeon for my consult on the 20th of this month. I'm feeling a lot like you are, meaning I'm FAT and it's just who I am. Tough shit to anyone who doesn't like me because I'm FAT.'t not healthy. I can't do so many things I want to do. It's embarassing to not fit in a booth in a restaurant or not be able to walk the 3 flights of stairs at the place we go to the beach. My hips hurt. My feet swell. I eat too much because I'm always hungry, always. Maybe that's like a birth defect that didn't happen until I was 30 (I was a thin kid). But I believe doctors are there to make us better when we need it or WANT it. Don't blame the God you believe in for what you are or for what the insurance company does or doesn't do. If you believe it's all God's will, does that mean you wouldn't fight cancer? Because God made it happen to you? Decide what you want to do, and don't have the surgery if it feels wrong (I'm not even sure if I'm gonna have it or not), but make the decisions FOR and BY yourself, with the help of your loved ones. Any other way of making a decision is a "cop out".

Moma V. 21 years, 9 months ago

Hi Kathy, I got a folding, in the chair bag at Big K or K-mart back in June, been supporting my big butt all summer I'm over 300lbs. It has hard plastic arms on it also. I was afraid of the chair at first, I TRUST NO folding summer chairs! Another plus, I got it for $6.99 Good Luck ~~prayers~~
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Deland, FL
Jul 11, 2002
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