Surgery Date

Jan 23, 2012

I finally have a surgery date. I've lost 104 lbs so far. My surgery is at the end of February. I will be taking the whole week off for recovery and then I will be taking it easy for the next 2 weeks as my stomach heals. The first 2 weeks is a liquid diet and from I've heard in our support groups it can be very exhausting. Everyone gets thru it though so I know I will too.

I'm blessed in that I work for a company that allows us to virtual office. So I will be able to work from home for the most part those first 2 weeks of recovery. I'm only out of the house to work about 1 to 2 days a week.

I've begun using a timer that goes off every 5 minutes to remind me to drink fluids. This is something our nutritionists say is extremely important to prevent dehydration and we can't drink too much at one time with our tiny pouches so I figure I shoudl get used to the every 5 minute model now.

My other challenge is cutting up my food to miniscule bites and then only putting 1 bite in my mouth at a time. I'm working on it as I only have a few weeks left. I'm psyching myself up for the major changes coming. As if the changes I've already made weren't major.

It is good for me that the food rules fit my personality so that part has been relatively easier than exptected. I wish I could apply those same rules to the needed exercise. I'm getting back into the routine after the busy holiday season.

It's all very challenging and anyone who says surgery is the easy way out just hasn't got a clue as to what we all go thru.

However it is so worth it. I don't have a problem with never eating certain things again considering how much I've gained from it. I wish I could have done this about 10 years ago.

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Surgery Date
Jun 22, 2011
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