Maritza . 16 years ago

Where are you ??? December 07 ??? It's almost Aug. 08 !!! LOL

Maritza . 17 years, 4 months ago

Thanks. Everyone has been so wonderful and supportive. When I receive messages it truly comes straight from their hearts. I look forward to talking with people and getting new messages and posts. I enjoy giving support as much as I enjoy getting it. Sometimes there are people that I feel that I can really encourage and Alot of the time there are people who really encourage me. I am so excited. M.Y.

jass28 17 years, 10 months ago

Thank you so much for the comments. I am just starting and want this to work. I want to reward myself for each milestone (10% of weight). I want to focus on 10% at a time. You are a true inspiration. You looked beautiful on your wedding day. I loved your spanish lessons on your site. I am dominican and so proud of my hispanic heritage. Thank you!!!

Maritza . 17 years, 11 months ago

Thanks! M.Y.

celgudino 18 years ago

Maressa that is a straight fasification of events.LOL M.W. said that way back in January of 2005, It was discussed by us in Feb of 2005 and still you said nothing. If you believed me, that I didn't have an eating disorder you believed it in Feb 05. We didn't have that conversation in your room when you said something about me loosing weight until November of 2005, so That was a very long time. Like I said I had already had my surgery over a year ago before you mentioned it. You where with me In August when I grauated from College M.W. Mentioned it, you sat there and didn't even coment on it so... Yeah we discussed it but that was months adn months and months before you had plenty of time to notice even after I decided to step back and focus on me for awhile. I love ya any way, always have alwasy will.

Maritza . 18 years ago

I remember when a mutual friend of ours told me that you had a serious eating disorder and that you were starving yourself and that I was the cause of it. I believed her and I thought ...." Wow". I didn't say anything. So if you are wondering why I did not say anything about your weight loss .... there you go. I did not see you for MONTHS and MONTHS after I took that picture of us together on my birthday . You said that you just needed some "me time" Marilyn informed me that it really messed up your "psyche" so I thought if this is true number one I feel horrible and next I thought ok..... she will come to me. It had never occured to me that you were starving yourself. As soon as you told me that it was not true... I believed you and I began telling you how I noticed that you had lost weight and that you remided me of when you were a little girl laying there looking up at me on my bed as we lay there talking. Again always 2 sides to the story and that is the moral of the story. I hope that Jerin and MeSh. are doing ok.-- as well as can be expected. Tell them that I am very sorry for their loss. Maressa

celgudino 18 years ago

Maressa, I am sorry that you see them as lies, but everything I posted has been said, done and played out in reality. You say that you knew nothing but you knew what you wanted like I said, you wouldn't even listen when I tried to discuss the surgery period. You know that and so do I. And for Character I have plenty of that, what i don't have is patience when we have an argument in private and you childishly forward my emails to another seeking feedback and approval. We are adults you should have left the discussion between us and that is the moral of the story.

Maritza . 18 years ago

I appreciate the lies you posted about me. That really shows character. You know the truth and so do I. The thing is-- it's all in the past. You not telling me about your surgery. I got over it after day 1. Why can't you? Anything I do is for me not for anyone else. You know my serious health problems although the people reading do not.. so why would you even post that? Maressa

Maritza . 18 years, 1 month ago

Wish you could come with me on Friday to my appointment. Oh well.... wish me luck. I was going to have T. come with me but....... wish me luck! Maressa

Maritza . 18 years, 2 months ago

Hey. I couldn't post to everyone else without sending you a message as well. Now that my tests are complete I can focus all of my attention on the BRIDAL SHOWER. T.M. should walk June 1. I know you will be there to see your nephew graduate highschool. I told you everything would work out the dress/jacket/shrug. I do love the dress and the matching shrug. 2 weeks til the shower. I want to know more about this Bachelorette Party. ( I think ! ) Maressa
About Me
LaCenter, KY
Surgery Date
Feb 24, 2004
Member Since

Before & After
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Starting weight 303- 2 weeks out 289/ Size 22/24
17 months out and 100lbs down Size 12/14

Friends 76

Latest Blog 33
Almost a year
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SIZE 12 Capris
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