A true change in the game!

May 10, 2010

Its been almost a month since I posted, thanks to all of you who support my blogs.  This is for the new WLS patients who either just got their surgery or who are getting ready for it.  First off, do not, I repeat, do not allow the enemy to make you second guess your decision.  No you are not going to die on the table and yes you will be successful.  I know the anxiety of such a transformation makes you batty but you will be just fine.  I encourage you today to start speaking positive affirmations to yourself.  I am in a size 8 from a 20 and there are days I just refuse to believe the truth.  I keep telling myself that there is no way I'm small and I refuse to believe that I'm skinny.  I wasnt shooting for skinny however, I have achieved skinnier.  I'm skinnier than I was but small, skinny, or slim is not an adjective you would use to describe me.
Saying all that to say, I want you to take heed to what I am about to tell you.  There are people in this world that are sent to use you til they cant use you anymore.  Since becoming socially acceptable I have been swindled out of about $5000 doing what I did as "the fat chick". When I say fat chick I mean that loving, caring, will do anything for anyone kinda chick.  We do it because we feel a need to be accepted by those who would have not generally accepted us.  I just want to encourage all who are reading now that you have to dig deeeeppppp within yourself to accept yourself.  You can not afford, to allow people to take advantage of you because you, yourself have not accept you....does that make sense?  Being fat does not make you less than and it does not make you anyone's doormat.  Do not allow people to befriend you to steal from you.  Your heart is pure and you love because not out of need from taking something from someone else.  I have lost several people I thought were truly my friends until I loaned them money and they never bothered to pay me back.  I would have done it for any on my friends but now I dont talk to any of them and I have to do without.  Thousands of dollars because I wanted someone to see what I ultimately can't even see in myself....So please, honor yourself, love yourself, and please don't allow people to perpetually take advantange of you!  Embrace your change and you will be blessed by it!


About Me
Houston, TX
Surgery Date
Jul 06, 2009
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