1 Week til my 1 year Surgiversary and I have something to say

Jul 24, 2010

Hey to all of you who have come by my site and checked out my blogs...I have fallen and I am having a hard time getting up....I find myself snacking all the time now...I went 6 months without any sugar and now I find myself eating small candies and things all too often...I have recently converted my garage into a home gym and as I thought I am not as disciplined to go in the garage as I was to go to the gym...I am getting this out because it gives me a sense of responsibility to those of you who have supported me and if I remain silent about it, I feel guilty. 
This journey is so far more than what you look like, please remember that!  I thank God for another chance at this thing everyday.  I am so flawed but one day I know I will get back into the swing of things...once you get off its so hard to get back on...thank Jesus he has blessed me with a wonderful companion, one who happens to be a boxer...he has been wonderful with reminding me to take care of me! I just wanted to let you know that I struggle just like all of us do in some capacity or another and right now, I juggling so many balls I dont know which one I'm going to drop...I didnt realize so much time and effort was going to have to go into maintaining this weight loss...I have not gained any weight which is a blessing and I promise to all of those who support me that I am going to do better so that I have something to blog about..God has kept me for so long and I promise not to disrespect this gift...so today, if you know that you have fallen and have picked up some bad habits again, stand tall....and put it down....its not hard.  Like myself, you have come too far to turn back now.  Dont beat yourself up and surely dont allow anyone else to...I have this saying, "I'm not going to let anyone steal my joy and I'm sure not going to give it to them"  remember that today, dont allow anyone or anything (candy, cake, soda) to steal your joy...you are fearfully and wonderfully made and you have so many others to inspire so keep it up...
I'm going to try not to stay too far away from yall, but I have not had a lot of time to devote to the page.  I just closed on a house yesterday that I am converting into a daycare...hopefully it will be up and running by January...along with that I have started a promotions company, I am now a boxing promoter and will be starting a poker league here in Atlanta so I'm so excited about those fun things I have going on...none which would have been possible had I not decided to have WLS....I love my RNY and not mis-taking the reason why this surgey has been effective for me...
Don't get side tracked, I have quite a bit and I am dedicated today to get back on track and be the success story that so many people admire....Be encourged yall!

Love Ya!


About Me
Houston, TX
Surgery Date
Jul 06, 2009
Member Since

Friends 454

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