Fat Girl No More!

Oct 19, 2010

Right now I have bitten off way more than I can chew...literally...my pouch can't stand all of this..lol  I am currently in school full time, work full time, 3 kids, 1 with autism, and planning/packing a move from Atlanta to Houston.  I dont have any family or friends in Houston so please know this is a journey God has placed me on.  The reason I'm going is because TX has the resources to help me with my daughter...I'm so excited...now that I have help all the business ventures will go forward..yay!!!!!

Now back to the real deal...I realize I'm still suffering from that fat girl mentality.  I'm still doing things to "fit in" and I dont have to.  I have loaned out over $11k this year just because ppl asked and I said yes.  What in the hell reason do I have to feel like I have to rescue anyone?  I am a single mother of three...I need to stop it!  I need to exercise my right to say no...I'm still allowing ppl to take advantage of me and I dont know how to stop it...

I'm realizing more and more that this journey is so much more than just weight loss, when the weight is gone then what?  I encourage you all to take care of your mental health, your emotional health and your spirit.  This isnt about the amount of protein or vitamins you take or how much you exercise at the gym.  If you do not exercise your inside...you outside still is "fat" I'm so sorry to put it that way but its the truth....Dont get it twisted, if you still can't "see" that you look good, it wont matter. 

I still have to remind myself of how wonderful I am and how beautiful I always have been.  I will not lie to any of you...the weight loss itself was a breeze compared to getting caught up emotionally.  This has been awfully emotional but I know with a continued fight of accepting myself, I will be just fine.

I have a chance at a new life, a new house in a new city...what more could a girl ask for?

Be encourged yall!


About Me
Houston, TX
Surgery Date
Jul 06, 2009
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