My story......what can I say, Like a lot of over weight people I was a chubby child, over weight teen, and then a fat adult.   I was teased, picked on, and still have a very low self- esteem.

I may never be thin, but thats ok. I just want to be a "normal"size accepted by society.

I wanted this surgery ever sense It was first advertized years ago, but my kids were young and my husband was afraid he might lose me to the surgery. I can't blame him for that.  
Well years later my health is declinning, high blood pressure, high colesteral, sleep apnea, and swelling in my legs and ankles.   My kids are older now, 20, 16, and  15.  and my health is only going to get worse, so we decided it was time to look into surgery.

Did my research, found a doctor, went to his seminar, made and appointment. That was June 2006. went to my primary care dr. started my 6 month diet.... jumped through all my insurance companies hoops, and February 14, 2007 went in for surgery.
My highest weight 270 ish, weight the day I went in for surgery, 247.5.

I feel my weight loss is slow, but I'm ok with that, most of the time. 
I'm glad I had the surgery. I have little problems with eating, but I am not pushing things.



Things  are looking up, I feel happer now, less depressed. I feel more confident, hold my head up now, smile more, and just in general like life more.   
I started a new job, first real job in twenty plus years, I am a make-up consultent in a drug store chain.  I really enjoy it, I have to approach and talk to people, something I would never have done befor surgery.
I notice more men looking at me, and "flirting" with me, and sometimes it feels good and sometimes it feels weird.....

I have a great husband who is suportive, but at times I think he may be a little uncomfortable with the attention I get, and the changes in my personality. More out going, taking a job, and making new friends. doing more on my own, not hiding in the house. But he is happy that I am not so unhappy anymore, and he is proud of me, and tells me so all the time... I love him, he is my rock.


About Me
Barnegat, NJ
Surgery Date
Jan 19, 2007
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