11/1/2012 - Miscellaneous musing

Jan 11, 2012

January 12, 2010 was the earthquake in Haiti;  I was in Utica, New York, in the waiting room of the hospital.  My son was undergoing RNY surgery with Dr. Fitzer.  My son has to date, January 11, 2012, lost 194 pounds.  I'm so proud of him.

January 12, 2011, I was meeting with my endocrinologist at the Riverside Hospital , to review the progression and treatment of my insulin-dependent diabetes.  I mentioned the date to her, and its significance as an anniversary to me (let alone my son), and asked if she thought I was too old for gastric bypass surgery.  She told me I'd be an excellent candidate, even at (then) age 61, and that it would an excellent treatment for my diabetes.

January 11, 2012, today (see where this is going?), I'm on the waiting list to be processed through the Ottawa Civic Hospital's bariatric surgery program.   I had my orientation on July 8, 2011;  I'm working through the eight to nine month interim between orientation and nurse appointments, and I'm actively participating in the OH Ontario forum.   I've been to one support group meeting, and plan to attend monthly.  Last week's was one I'd planned to attend, but life intervened.

The cut-off age in Ontario is 65, so even though these wheels are grinding slowly, they are grinding.  I'm hopeful that this time in 2013, I'll be writing as a post-op patient, rather than a patiently waiting patient.

I learn so much from the OH forum -- the good humour and common sense are good fits for me. 

No real points have been made in these miscellaneous musings, but they're clarifying my desire for this change.

