An Inspirational Poem from another WLS Success...

Nov 06, 2008

While going through the posts on OH as I do every day, I came across this reminder of why I did this in the first place from another member here on OH.  I had to copy it to my page, so I can always look at it and remember why I did this, why I must succeed and hopefully gain strength from the words that are so true:

REMEMBER, the pain of walking in a room when you didn't want to see the look on someones face because you had gained 40 or more lbs since you saw them last,  REMEMBER, the feeling when you were approaching a turnstyle and the absolute fear you wouldn't fit through, REMEMBER, the pills you are taking because of the illnesses caused by obesity, REMEMBER, the downpours of sweat while trying to find an outfit that made you look less fat because you have to go to that event, REMEMBER, the fear when you went to the doctor because after all, how long can you stay at that obese weight before the doctor tells you, you are going to die, REMEMBER all the things that brought you to where you are today, post surgery, bless you, how lucky you are to be a post op.  Bless you your weight is going to start dropping off, bless you, this pain or uncomfort is going to pass and you will run not walk, feel high not sad and be more FREE then you ever thought possible.  BE POSITIVE, Get your head into a positive place and your mind too.  One helps the other, your doctor did his work and now you must do yours.  Keep the big picture in mind it's not where you are at this moment, it is where you are going.  I am a little over four months ahead of you, more then half way to my goal and living on  the softest, brightest and pinkest cloud g-d has ever made.  YOU ARE ON YOUR WAY!  Your post op, be thankful.


Nov 06, 2008

I am just about 2 weeks post - op and my new pouch can handle ANYTHING I put into my mouth.  For me, this is SO SO dangerous, because I want to eat what everyone else is doing.  I am NOT hungry, put I am trying so hard to fight the MENTAL urges.   I dont want to mess this up - I want to be thin terribly and I went through this massive procedure to get to that goal...I just feel like I am going to SCREW this whole thing up.....
Advice on healthy foods, how to handle the urges, ANYTHING is greatly appreciated.

I feel 100% after my surgery.  No problems, never got sick, NOTHING.  I mean, I am very appreciative that I am feeling so well - I thank God every single day for that.  I just wish I had some problems eating SOMETHING so I wouldnt eat know...

I guess I still have that "fat girl" thinking and I have to try and get out of that frame of mind ASAP before I sabatoge myself!!!

Thanks for listening -


Oct 15, 2008

I got the call last night from my doctors office - Insurance Company Approved me!!

Well, that is good news - but now it makes everything so FINAL and I am still scared.

I am leaving myself in gods hands and I know in my heart this is what I need to do to be happy again.

My surgery is scheduled for Monday, October 27th!! 

Say a prayer for me.

Insurance Companies Drive Me Crazy!!

Oct 06, 2008

I am still waiting to hear if I am approved from the insurance company.  The wait is killing me!  I want to know if 10/26 is going to be the date.  I still have to tell my job and I am not going to unless I know this is definately going to happen.

We all pay so much into our insurance coverage and then I feel like they just jerk us around!!

Ok...needed to vent!  Please cross your fingers for my approval! 

About Me
Sep 29, 2008
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An Inspirational Poem from another WLS Success...
Insurance Companies Drive Me Crazy!!
