Hi everyone!  OK, here's the low down on me, no holds barred!

I'm 33 years old.  I have 2 amazing children, an 11 year old daughter, and a 21 month old son.  My biggest fear is that they will grow up with the same obese problems that I grew up with.

I was a basically healthy child, until at age 8 we moved to a farm, and i did nothing all day but drown my lonliness in tv and snacks.  Then my weight began to explode!  I graduated in '92 weighing 190 lbs.  Married in 1994 weighing 210.  My weight stabilized here for many years.  I yoyo'd a bit up to 235, then back down to 210.  The lowest i was is 199 in 2003, then in spring of 04 i really packed it on, going up to 260.  I got pregnant in 05, and as with my first pregnancy, my weight dropped.  Down to 244, then by the end of 9 months, up to 274.  Over the next year i lost and regained the same 20 lbs.  So here i am at 264.

Both my pregnancies were high risk, as i had high blood pressure (only when i'm pregnant tho, otherwise it is on the low side), but luckily gave birth to 2 very healthy babies.  I suffered post partem depression, for aprox 8 years, too afraid, or was it ashamed to get help.  I beleive that if my depression was addressed, i wouldn't have waited 10 years to have another child!  4 months after son was born I was back on antidepressants, and remain so to this day.  I have been told NOT to get pregnant again, as it could kill me, thus i await the call to get my tubes tied.  

In the last 3 or so years, i have realized that my entire life has been plagued with depression.  I can remeber as far back as being 10 years old, and having the symptoms (thoughts of suicide, mostly), and i chalk it mostly up to the self loathing i have always felt.  No self esteem has definately taken its toll on my marriage, and we separated for 6 months, only to get back together, stronger than ever!  for a while. ( In case your wondering, we did NOT have another child to try to hold us together, I know that it doesn't work!  Just ask me, my sister and 2 brothers!  we were all born, hoping to glue together a horrible relationship...I was finally on antidepressants, and realized how much i wanted another baby.  And now i want another!  But it is not meant to be. )  anyways...Hubby and I are in councilling, and I recommend it to anyone and everyone!  Good or bad relationships can definately benefit from councilling!  Thank you Heather! 

So that basically brings us to feb 05, a friend of mine in winnipeg, Michelle, had the surgery.  I saw her a month and 30 lbs later, and knew that this is the route for me.  Went to the dr and told him i wanted a referral to Dr. Nohr.  I finally got my letter, man was i upset that my appt.  was in Jan 8/08!  I thought that was forever away!  So in the meantime i had my son!  Then the time just flew by and here i was, last tuesday, in Medicine Hat.  I couldn't sleep for 2 nights before we left Virden!  My sister came with me to the city and to the apptment.  We had a great time in medicine hat!  We went to the Galaxy Theater, man is that place disorganized!  We coulda totally snuck into another movie but my sister wouldn't let me!!  haha, it was fun tho!

anyways...sorry, i'm a babbler...

I have a surgery date for Dec 8/08!!  Yippee!!

Dr. Nohr told me that if i could lose 10-15 lbs before surgery, it would greatly decrease the risk, so i gotsta git on that!!

Wish me luck!  And i can't wait to see ya'll on the losers bench!

Thanks for checking me out!

About Me
Virden, MB
Surgery Date
Jun 28, 2006
Member Since

Friends 15

Latest Blog 7
Home From Surgery!! SOOO HAPPY!!
Less than 2 weeks away!
