Back on track?

Dec 19, 2009

Well, things seem a little better these days.  Thank you to Diane and Shroomy for all your encouragement!

I'm doing better at getting in my water, and trying harder to take my pills.  All those darn little dainties are the bane of my existence tho!  I'll be honest, I don't have much willpower when it comes to them either.  I am able to limit myself to my one favorite kind.  And that is only when i go to my neighbors house, cause she's the only one who makes them!  Thank goodness!

Another Christmas Party tonight tho, Hopefully there's nothing i like on the table!   I'm not catering it so chances are good!

The last 2 sundays i catered christmas parties, so there was LOTS of good food, and all the stuff i love to eat!  But all was well, i didn't gorge myself or anything...

Here comes my anniversary

Nov 12, 2009

 yeah, here comes my anniversary, and I'm not even close to my goal... Feeling pretty down about that.  I know its my own doing tho.  I seem to think that this tool was the cure all and forgot that i need to work it!  I also can come up with lots of excuses as to why i not working things out properly... I don't even know what to say. I'm just so embarrassed.  I was so excited that i finally got down under 190, then the next day i was back up to 192.  I just don't know.  I don't even know where to go on this site anymore.  I scared of being attacked like i've seen some people.  Even tho i know that the attackers are right.  Everything i've read from them applies to me also, yet, here i am, still whining!  argh!

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It's been a while but...

Apr 07, 2009

I lost 50 lbs!!  i hit the mark today!  there is one little mini goal reached!  I'm very happy today!

Some things i can do now...

--wear my wedding rings again!  thats a biggie, i was able to put them on last week and wear them with no discomfort.
--My daughter can reach all the way around me and hug me, she said can reach farther than before!
--feel my bones in my back
--get in and out of the truck easily

I am definately happy with my decision!

My next goal is to get under 200, and that is only 18 lbs away!


things are slowing down...

Jan 17, 2009

Things are definately slowing down...practically stopped!  I thought the honeymoon phase was supposed to last 3-6 months?  oh well...gonna have to work harder.
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Happy New Year!

Jan 11, 2009

What a great new year!  I'm still feeling good, Down to 243- 244, the scale bounces around a bit!  Just before Christmas i got a wii fit and have been having lots of fun on it.  I just wish it didn't take so long to change activities.  It took an hour to do 38 minutes of activities!  oh well!  Its lots of fun!

I was sick last week...ate a pig in a blanket.  it was small too!  after suffering almost an hour, it finally came back up and after quite a bit of heaving, the releif was wonderful!  I'm pretty sure it was greasy.  Cuz i didn't eat it fast and i know i chewed it well, so greasy has to be whats left right? 

I went back to work Jan 2 and besides being a little more tired than usual, i'm doing well.  I'm freezing all the time too, i thought i wouldn't feel cold till after i lost lots of weight, but it started as soon as i left the hospital.  I hope my feet start to shrink soon too!  But if that's gonna happen it will probly be after huge loss, i can be patient!

I drink a lot of milk to get in the protein and the fluids, i don't like white so i mix half chocolate and half skim milk.  Other than that i think i'm eating well.  I really want some yummy sugar cookies tho.  With icing please.  My friend made me some nice healthy oatmeal, peanut butter, raisin, choc chip cookies, and its helping with the craving a littel...their almost like tiny little granola bars! 

Thats about all thats new in my little world!


Home From Surgery!! SOOO HAPPY!!

Dec 14, 2008

I have to say, that was the best decision i have ever made.  All the little nagging doubts can kiss my hiney!!

Surgery was on Monday, at 7:50 am.  I was weighed and their mean scales said 268, so that is now the weight i am going by!  Today is Monday, 7 days later, and my scale is telling me 255.  13 lbs in one week???  is this okay??  I hope so!

Hospital experience was wonderful,  Medicine Hat has an amazing Floor 5 Team!!  Everyone always so cheery and motivating.  Didn't like that i wasn't allowed to swallow any liquid till Wed, but that is Dr.s orders, not the nurses fault!  Thursday i was put on full fluids, so I can have anything i want, as long as I puree it!  That makes me very happy, as i thought i was limited to crappy shakes and clear broth soups.  But no, Puree anything!  Yee Haw!  So far things are going well with it...and I've always liked oatmeal and cream of wheat anyways!  Last night for a snack i had something i haven't had since i was a kid, and LOVED it!  Mashed banana and peanut butter....mmmm!

So all in all, I feel way better than i expected i would, and extremely happpy with my decision.  I hope nothing changes!

Less than 2 weeks away!

Nov 27, 2008

The time is flying by!  It seems that only yesterday I received the letter for my appointment with Dr Nohr..actually it was in July, 2004.  Yes, that is correct!!  It has taken that long to get in!  Worth the wait tho, I know I'm ready for this, and I've had lots of time to research!

Although that is not making me any less nervous!  And I'm totally excited!  I just want to be done, and on the loser bench!!

Monday, I started a mostly liquid diet.  The doc has not ordered it, but according to my research, it will help my recovery.  I've eaten salads and lean chicken breast, trying to keep it healthy.  I did good till today, when the crankiness started to set in as i wanted to have the amazing smelling stew and biscuit that we were serving at work.  Another salad later, i was still very dissatisfied, and stole 2 little pieces of meat out of the stew.  Does that make me a bad person?  

Yesterday i weighed myself and was down 3 lbs from all the weight I've been gaining.  I  shall see what the scales say tomorrow...

About Me
Virden, MB
Surgery Date
Jun 28, 2006
Member Since

Friends 15

Latest Blog 7
Home From Surgery!! SOOO HAPPY!!
Less than 2 weeks away!
