Month One...

Apr 06, 2011

Well, well, well....

I have learned some very interesting things this month. I learned how to measure my food, eat slowly (one episode fixed that) and not to drink and eat together.  All the things that you all that went before me kept stressing.

I am still off work until mid-April, but I am using this time to build my stamina, (by walking and light calistenics) and get my nutritian down pat.  I am still struggling with a 1 inch part of my large incision that is refusing to heal. It is not infected, just very stubborn.  The other 1 inch site closed up last week. The good thing is that I feel good. I am eating at 3 hour intervals and getting in most of my fluids. I have had 1 dumping episode (or so I think). My daughter made me a shake with a different milk than I was used to in the 2nd week, that was a bad experience, I think it had too much sugar or fat.

I am looking forward to getting back to normal, which means work, and my normal routines. I get to see the Dr. next week and hopefully she will release me back to work. My plan is to have at least 30lbs gone by then.

God Bless

Thoughts and things to remember...

Mar 21, 2011

I have been an OH member since Sept 2010. In this six months I have read some very interesting things that have inspired me, humored me, scared me and from time to time saddened me. Overall, I would not change the experience.

Each WLS person has a story and I never want to forget mine. Making the decision to have WLS for me was very serious and was not seen as just a means to drop a lot of weight quickly. That is a great benefit, but not my only reason. I have had many years of eating what I want, when ever I wanted it and all I got for that is 280 lbs and health issues that will eventually lead to more weight gain and probably an early death. I want to remember that I am strong and able to face whatever comes my way.

I want to remember that the high blood pressure I battled for the past 13 years caused me to need meds that put me at risk of liver damage. I don't have any major damage documented but I'm sure it can happen the longer I am on the meds. I have a fatty liver as a result of being overweight, my WLS may help me reduce the issues that comes from a fatty liver. My doc and I were in agreement that I should lose some weight to help these issues.

I want to remember that I have excrutiating pain in my knee if I walk or stress it for any length of time. I want to remember that when I exercise to lose weight, the exercise would cause a flare up of the arthritis in my knee which would send me to the closest bed or couch and make me unable to work or walk at all for few days. My Ortho doc told me repeatedly that losing weight would help relieve the stress on my knees. I want to remember that If the damage continues I will have to have knee replacement surgery.

I want to remember that I tried to lose weight or failed to keep it off so many times in the past 20+ years that I finally started to believe that nothing would work. I would really like to remember the amount of money (programs, gyms, special foods, etc) I have spent over the years in an effort to lose weight. I'm sure my kids could have used that money for college.

I want to remember 2010 in particular. I was seriously and completely focused on losing a substantial amount of weight and tried everything I could to lose the weight by changing my eating habits, exercising more, and even working with a trainer. I lost a total of 12 lbs in 9 months.
I want to remember the time and energy I have put into researching each WLS surgery option when my efforts and my results did not match. My RNY choice was made based on my personal needs and goals. I want to remember that my RNY is just a tool and that if I misuse it or choose to ignore it, then I will be ineffective. I want to remember that this WL is a personal journey that only I can navigate. Others can give advice but it it up to me to make the right decisions.

I don't think I will ever regret making this WLS decision because I made it after sincere prayers to God for guidance and only for myself.


I am feeling stronger each day, but...

Mar 18, 2011

Well, I am able to care for myself except for changing the dressing over my incision. I had my 1 wk follow-up and was supposed to have the staples out. My incision is a little red and draining in one place, and doc felt it is a better idea to take staples out next week ang gave me an antibiotic. I still have some pain (tugging or pulling) on the left side next to the incision, but that is easing each day but I am still on the pain meds. I tried weening off of them and was very uncomfortable and not a good look for me

The doc was really pleased with my progress and I lost 10 lbs since my pre-op appt. AWESOME!!!  My highest weight was 283 at last surgeons appt, so I can honestly say I have lost 13 lbs.


Day 6 post op

Mar 11, 2011

Well, I have almost made it through the first week. I am taking my vitamins, and managing my pain levels. Unlike many people I have read about in various blogs, I have pain. It could be because I have a 6 inch incision as well as the 5-6 lap ports for the RNY. I had a lot of scar tissue and that had to be addressed first. My doctor was awesome and my recovery to date has been what I expected. I sip, sip, sip and rest, rest, rest. I am going to the bank this morning with my daughter. BTW My 3 daughters absolutely ROCK! They are attentive and make sure I am getting enough fluids and my vitamins in.

My 1st doctor appt is on 3/16 and I will get the staples removed (which are starting to itch alot). I am also starting protein shakes and some yogurt on tomorrow. I hope I can tolerate them ok.

Wow...What a start

Mar 09, 2011

Well, my surgery was on Monday 3/7. I got so many well wishes and prayers. I'm glad I had them because I had some scar tissue that expanded my surgery time. What was supposed to be a 2 hour lap surgery, turned into a 4 hour lap/open surgery. My doctor opened me to clear out some of the scar tissue, but completed my RNY by lap.  What this did was prevented me from having a nasty scar all the way up my stomach, so I am grateful for that. I am very sore (as expected) and am very happy to be home. The weather is pretty bad outside so I am glad I don't have to be in it again. My oldest daughter is my rock as usual and is making sure her mama is ok.


5 days left...

Mar 03, 2011

I had my pre-op registration today! It went great and I met some of the nicest people. The lady that drew my blood gave me the most uplifting testimony and I feel really great about beginning my journey at this hospital.

I think all of my  family and friends are getting nervous and I spend so much time reassuring them that I am ok that I really don't have much time to worry about the surgery.

I am so excited...

Change of date...

Feb 15, 2011

Well, my date was updated to March 7th. I am ok with that. the sooner the better! I was struggling a little bit with the surgery to choose. Originally I wanted the RNY and then I started to hear more about the Sleeve, and I wanted that, but after talking to my doctor and considering my personal issues and my long term goals, I am having the RNY. I have read everything I could find and talked to many people (including GOD) and still I feel more at peace with the RNY. I will continue to gather information and listen to the experiences of those of you who have come before me and even paved the way. I truly appreciate the openness and overall honesty from my new OH family. Some of you have inspired me very much and some of you have given me nightmares,lol, but overall I can feel your the honesty and truth of your collective wisdom.  I hope I can pave the way for someone else.

I get more confimation that WLS is right for me everyday!

Feb 05, 2011

This weekend was very busy.  I have twin girls who are scheduled to graduate in May 2011. I am in full Senior Year mode. As I was saying, this weekend was a Senior recognition sports activity that required we all look "nice". I have no problem going into "fabulous mode", but my knees can only take about 2 hours before they start protesting "fabulous" and demanding "comfortable". Standing is getting to be more of a problem.

I also had the task of occupying my 2 year old grandson.  If you know anything about little boys, then you know they do not stay still and try to get into everything. I had a hard time keeping him out of trouble. It is very important to me to be able to play with my grandchildren (there are 4 of them) and not pay for it for afterwards because I am exhausted or in pain.

I have more confirmation that I am making the right choice for my life.



Feb 01, 2011

I got insurance approval on the first try! Wow.... Praise God! I guess I am really on my way to being a real loser, lol.

In the beginning...

Jan 29, 2011

In September 2009, I decided to take myself in hand and lose weight, tone up and get healthy. I cut out most sugar from my everyday diet, stopped eating red meat, switched to whole grain pasta, breads and brown rice, etc. I joined a gym, hired a trainer (that I really could not afford) and proceeded to WORK IT OUT!

By September 2010, I had only lost 20-25 lbs (depending on the day), and dropped 2 sizes. OK!  Now its time to pull out the big guns!

I have spent the last 5 months meeting the needs of the insurance company so that I can be approved for WLS. I spent all of Jan 2011 fasting and praying for guidance and stregnth to take with me on this journey. I know I will be successful because my head, my heart and my body are all ready for this trip, lol.

About Me
Surgery Date
Sep 18, 2010
Member Since

Friends 31

Latest Blog 20
