July 1, 2007

Jul 02, 2007

It has been an amazing journey so far. Working out at the gym, clothes shopping, being able to really enjoy life. Here is the link to my latest video blog.


Sorry for a short update... Things have been a good busy....

March 30, 2007

Mar 30, 2007

I went for my post-op check-up and everything went great. Now, I am on Stage 4 and the first thing I had was Scallops. Mind you I was only able to eat 3 Scallops and did they taste good. I can't believe how good I feel. Since the surgery I lost 23 pounds, 12 pounds before for a total of 35 pounds. I have never been happier. To celebrate I went and bought a pair of jeans in Bloomingdale women's dept. I haven't been able to pair anything in their department of years. I know that the jeans will fall off of me soon but they were on sale and I just had to do it. I am loving my new journey in life. Thanks for everyone here at OH who has help me along the way. I just wish that I made this decision to have gastric bypass 2 years ago. Hope everyone has a great day. Hugs, Clare

March 9, 2007

Mar 09, 2007

I did it...I had my surgery on Monday, March 5, 2007 now also known as my re-birth. My surgeon Dr. Schneider was awesome. Dr. Schneider was able to do the surgery laparoscopic. I have 6 small little cuts plus a drain tube. Everything is healing nicely. In fact they are itchy and I have to make sure that I don't scratch them. The drain tube came out on Thursday, that is the day I came home. So far so good. I am learning how to eat slowly and not over do. I have to learn to rest and not over due. I know you shouldn't weight yourself right after surgery because of all the fluids they pump into you, but of course I didn't listen and guess what I lost 2 pounds. Usually people put on weight and I didn't. I am so happy. Well, I am tired so bye for now. Stay turn for more update. Love, Clare

March 1, 2007

Mar 01, 2007

Well, time is coming near and soon March 5th will be here. I finished all my pre-op testing and I am good to go. I have lost 12 pounds in a month and half, which for me is very good. The doctor was happy. I am very excited and a little scared at the same time. I don't know if I will have time to post anyother blog before surgery so stay tune for my post-op blogs. I can't wait to be on the losers bench. I also did my first video blog on youtube. I will try and post it here:

February 13, 2007

Feb 12, 2007

Well, I can't believe I am only 3 weeks away from my big day. My husband and I just got back from Aruba. It was wonderful. I would check the OH boards everyday from Aruba. Hate to be back home with the cold and soon to be snowy weather. I tried to be good eating wise while being away. Came home to the scale and didn't gain anything. That is a miracle. Now I am back to grind stone here, trying different protein drinks and getting everything prepared. I am scared and excited at the same time. Bye for now!

January 16, 2007

Jan 15, 2007

Well, I had my sleep study last night and that sucked big time. I went to sleep right away, 10:15 pm, but when ever the tech came in the room I woke up. I was asleep for about 3 hours and then he came in to put me on the CPAP machine, that was the nightmare. I felt very claustrophobic with the mask on. The anxiety was building up and I wanted to tear the damn thing off. The techs came in with another mask for me to try. Tried the different mask, (it looked like an oxygen mask that just has the two little posts that goes in your nose), that was just ok. The techs had to come back into the room to add a chin strap so I wouldn't keep opening my mouth. At 5:30 am the tech comes and says, goodmorning! They have you fill out a questionaire about your night and then asked if the doctor told you that you needed the CPAP machine would you use it.... I answered NO. I know that I snore but I don't wake up choking and I don't wake up coughing. Now, I am going back to my own bed and get some quality sleep.

January 5, 2007

Jan 05, 2007

I went in for my brain MRI on Thursday night Jan. 4th and the doctor called me this afternoon to tell me that everything is normal. He said that I can go ahead with the WLS. Hopefully, things are starting to look up.

January 3, 2007

Jan 05, 2007

Well, it is offical. My starting weight is 303 lbs. Actually I am down for my heaviest by 23 pounds. I met with the doctors at Beth Israel and everything looks good. I don't think I have sleep apnea but to be on the save side I am going to do a sleep study cause I know that I snore. That will be on the 15th. I have a date to see the surgeon on Jan. 25th and I will get my surgical date. Things are moving right along.

January 2, 2007

Jan 02, 2007

Now that I have finally decided 100% that I want Gastric Bypass, I get a call from the Spine Specialist. I am having some trouble with my neck and had some x-rays and a MRI done. The doctor now wants me to have a brain MRI, the x-ray showed that my pituitary gland is enlarged. It probably is nothing, I hope. Between having RA and diabetes and feeling like crap all the time, some of it being weight related as well, I would like things to go easy for once. On January 3rd I meet with the Doctors at Beth Israel for testing for the RNY and Thursday I have the MRI. This is one busy week.

About Me
North Andover, MA
Surgery Date
Dec 29, 2006
Member Since

Friends 29

Latest Blog 9
July 1, 2007
March 30, 2007
March 9, 2007
March 1, 2007
February 13, 2007
January 16, 2007
January 5, 2007
January 3, 2007
January 2, 2007
