Stress Test - Part 1

Mar 28, 2008

Part one - what I am told is the stressful part of the Stress Test is done.  I am sure happy that infusion only last 4 minutes.  Any longer and I would have slid right out that chair.  I am thinking I did pretty good since I was allowed to go home ( my sister and sister-in-law ) both left their stress tests via ambulance!  Unfortunately, I am not able to finish the testing until April 7th due to an out of town training for work next week......argh!!!  I wish I had magic fairy dust and could just fast forward through this cardiac testing, but hey - if I had magic fairy dust, I'd just make me thin and healthy...hehehehe

Small Town America

Mar 24, 2008

I usually enjoy the fact that I live in small town America, EXCEPT for when I go to the Cardiologist and he says I need an Echocardiagram and the only technician available to do the test is my friend's husband!!!  I am EXTREMELY modest and I can't think of one circumstance where I would lift my shirt for him - well except when he is the technician performing the test ... argh!!!

And about the test, two today the echo and an EKG and two more scheduled.  It is times like these I wish I was like the old people who live for their next "medical procedure".  I understand the cardiologist is just being cautious and he doesn't want me to die as a result of surgery, but man - I am sure not up for all this medical testing.  I know I know - get used to it.  How about NO!  How about just grin and bare it and Oh - BITCH...LOL.  Seems this cardiac clearance is going to be a bit of a hurdle, good thing I am always up for a challenge.

NOTE:  He also did my venous scan.  Now you know if there was no situation in which I would have lifted my shirt for him, there sure was no situation in which I would have taken off my pants.  But did I, unfortunately so.  Did I mention that I hate medical procedures?  Especially when I am in a compromising situation and exposed to people I know.  whew! let's hope this is over.

minus EIGHTEEN!!

Mar 20, 2008

Can you say minus 18?  Yep, since I started the pre-op diet, I have lost 18 pounds.  That is 18 pounds in 17 days!!! YIPPEE

I am steadly checking off the pre-op requirements required for gastric bypass.  Losing weight - done.  Bloodwork - done.  Cardiac clearance - scheduled for 3/24.  Once all the results are in, I will be scheduled for my initial consultation with the surgeon.  I did learn today that my surgery will be in Slidell instead of New Orleans.  Because I have a history of blood clots, I am in a higher risk category.  The hospital in Slidell is better equipt to montor me and intervene if I have any complications.  Of course, we are praying NO COMPLICATIONS - but I am of the "better safe than sorry" thought process.  So, Slidell it is!

Have a Happy Easter - I know I will!!!

Another test in temptation - PASSED!

Mar 18, 2008

I continue to be amazed on how well I am doing with following this pre-op diet.  I am even more amazed by the fact that not only do I stick to it faithfully, but I stick to it despite tons of temptation.  As I have recorded earlier, my family has not changed their way of eating just because I am dieting ... and I wouldn't expect them to since NONE of them have a weight problem.  And today, I attended an in-service for work.  I was greeted to the meeting with a festive cup filled with my favorite Easter candies.  I quickly gave them away and kept the cup.  (That is really all my niece needs; she will get plenty of candy Sunday morning.)  For the next five hours I watch my coworkers gorge on candy and then pizza and finally a decadent dessert.  Did I want a slice of pizza and piece of that dessert - yes!  Did I resist - yes!  Yea!!!! 

Diet - check ... blood work - check --- Homework coming along n

Mar 17, 2008

I did the pre-op blood work this morning.  I have a terrible time giving blood because I have one good vein and it tends to be stubborn about giving more than one vial of blood.  I just knew I was in for a disaster given that I needed to give over 10 vials of blood.  However, the blood gods were on my side because I was able to fill the vials with only two sticks...wooowhoo!!!

And, I got my first comment about weight loss today.  Notice I didn't say compliment, but instead said comment.  I was told, "you don't look so puffy around the shoulders and neck".  Like I said, I am going to take that as comment and not a compliment.  But hey - I know the compliments are on the way.  YIPPEE

Progress on my Homework

Mar 13, 2008

I sure thought after I finished graduate school, I was done with homework...boy was I WRONG!!!

Still following the pre-op diet.  I think I am impressing others with the tenacity with which I am following this pre-op diet, heck I am impressing myself and that's all that matters, right?

Went to see my PCP this afternoon.  He ordered the bloodwork required by my wls surgeon.  I will do that on Monday.  His nurse made an appointment for me with the cardiologist for 3/21.  So, it appears the ball is definitely rolling....YIPPEE!!!

Temptation is EVERYWHERE

Mar 09, 2008

So I have been on this special diet for several days now.  And during the work week it was doable because even though I was not eating the awesome foods my coworkers were eating, at least I was eating alongside them.  

Well this weekend proved to be a challenge.  Long after I had eaten my allowed portions of food, my family was still endulging on the southern food fest we had at my house.  I am proud to say that I have resisted temptation ALL weekend and have not cheated myself or this diet in any way.  All the more reason I am going to implode if I have not lost weight at my next weigh-in.  I am of the mindset that I have starved and eaten the right things for too many days now to mess things up by eating something I am not allowed at a time I am not allowed to eat.  

I am ready to tackle the work week again.  Life is so much easier when I am at work.  Well, except for a coworker who is a sabotuer.  He bought a baked cookies/berry smelling airomatic for his office.  How dare him!  LOL

Good Intentions

Mar 06, 2008, day 2 of the protein shake lean meat diet.  I am giving these protein shakes my best effort because I do want to have lost weight when I weigh in three weeks.  I am ready for the next step and losing weight gets me to the next step.  The problem - big girl is a picky eater and cannot usually eat anything -  without gagging - that doesn't please my taste buds.  Plan of action - use samples to rule in/out protein powders I can tolerate.  However I quickly learned this morning that this can be hazardous.

How you may ask?  Well this morning I was excited to try the Unjury Kiwi Stawberry mix.  I had heard good things about about.  WELL - I probably would have enjoyed it more if I was not wearing it right now.  Yep, when I started to shake the mix the top came off and it went ALL over the place - the walls, my desk - keyboard, mouse, monitor, on the floor, all over my shirt and even down the hall of my office.  In fact I decided to write when I found some more under the telephone when I went to make a call.  I figure this will be something I read in a few years and laugh back on, but right now - this mess is NOT funny....well, maybe a little bit! 


Mar 03, 2008

Had my first bariatric appointment today and I have to went well.  I was pleasantly surprised to learn that I do not weigh as much as I thought I did.  (Hadn't weighed self in many years.)  It is still more than any human should weigh, but at least it is less than I thought.  

The appointment went as expected with no surprises.  Again, a good thing.  I do have to diet for 3 to 4 weeks to prove that I am committed to losing weight...doable!  I have to get blood work before I can have surgery...doable!  I have to meet with a cardiologist to get clearance to have surgery...doable!  That one will probably be the most difficult.  I am terrible about seeking out drs.  I wish the surgical center had a contract with a cardiologist and said, hey lady ur appt is such and such a date.  Oh well, I will get it done because I want this done!!!

Tomorrow I will make a list of groceries so I can follow this diet and then hit it fast and furious on Wednesday.  I am like the Little Engine that Could - I think I can...I think I can...I think I can....I KNOW I can!!!

Really, NOW you call?

Feb 29, 2008

So wls surgery has been something I knew I would do for several years now, but the job I had at the time made such a life changing event impossible.  Because my health became a bigger priority than the job I was doing, I decided to find a new job last summer.  When I took the job, I intended to wait six months and then seek out wls.  

Well, after getting to the job I realized that wls is a process and since I would be ready for surgery in late winter I should start the ball rolling in the fall.  So that's what I did, I sent the enrollment application to the local surgical weight clinic and waited....and waited...and waited.  Well, I heard NOTHING from them even after trying to follow-up.  

So I took matters into my own hands and I went with Plan B.  Another dr who five people I know had successful sugeries by his hands.  And a dr who has had success with larger sized patients....umm - ME!  So I began to feel like i was making a better decision by pursuing surgery with this new dr.  In fact, I believe God had his hands in orchestrating me going to another wls program.  

Why am I writing this history?  Because my appointment with Plan B is Monday and guess who called today...4 months later...yep, Plan A.  I honestly told her that because I had not heard from them, I was going with a different dr.  She tried to remain professional but was quick to tell me that if I had complications, the surgeon's at the local clinic were not going to be able to help me out!  I told her I understood and that Plan B has a plan for in case that would happen.  (I don't know that he does, it is one of my questions for him when I do meet him, but I sure wasn't going to let her know that).  I believe everything happens for a reason, still trying to figure out God's plan for having her call 1 work day before my initial appointment.  The only thing I can figure is that when she called I had no doubt I was making the right decision by going with Plan B.  I never waivered during the phone call nor after that I was going with the right dr even though the local drs are now willing to consider me.  

Can you believe?  Really, now? 

About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 26, 2008
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