Eight Years Later!

Jan 27, 2015

I have not been on here for over seven years!

I am proud to say that I am a successful Lap Band patient.  A few ups and downs but I have maintained my weight loss.

Gave my daughter a call tonight and she told me that she is contemplating weight loss surgery  I remembered how much this site helped me in the past so I told her about it.  So much information and a chance to meet other people going thru the same "stuff" as we did.  Hmmmm    I guess I need to post some recent pictures of myself now.

Oh, by the way, I am lucky enough to be retired in Panama living the good life 

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Two years out and a Band Adjustment

Apr 13, 2010

I had some problems with my band.  Ie: throwing up and had the doctor loosen my band.  Before I knew it, I gained twenty five poounds back!

I was down to 200 and then gained to 225.  I had him tighten the band and WOW!  I am down to 175 pounds now.  I feel great.  I am concentrating on eating sloooooooooooooooooow and the right things so I won't be throwing up.  why would I want to loosen it again and gain weight back.

So, I have officially lost 100 pounds now.


Two Years

Aug 24, 2009

Well, I have not been on here for quite a while!  I will be two years out in another few months.

I am happy that I am maintaining around 205 pounds.  I was 270-275 when I had my surgery.

The wife and I (who also had the surgery) try very hard to go to group therapy at least once a month.  We feel this is KEY to being succesful.  I do realize that I am addicted to food.  I have to stay after myself and TRY to be good.


About Me
Corpus Christi, TX
Jun 11, 2004
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