
I'm Christina.  I have been battling with weight since I was in 7th grade when I hit puberty. I dealt with anorexia and bulimia in High School and College. After meeting my husband at getting up to 315 lbs I thought I couldn't get heavier.  But after the birth of my second child, and taking care of my sister during her battle with cancer I found myself at 348lbs. I promised my sister before she passed away that I would start taking care of myself so I could be there for my girls and not be gone like our Mom. and now her.  I worked hard on my own and lost 38 lbs before my lap band surgery. 

In 2007, I worked for a year and did the danskin triathlon. My husband and his family were not supportive of my taking time away.  2009, My divorce was final with my husband and I was free from the verbal and emotional abusive relationship. 

I decided in 2010 to open my band up completely so I can learn to do this on my own. It has been an up and down battle. I am down to 217. Thirty pounds from where I would like to be before surgery. My goal is to be at an attainable number. Preferably a size 8 or 10 and not a number on the scale. I was a slave to that darn thing for too long.  I am encouraged by everyone on this site and their courage for sharing their journey.

About Me
Mar 15, 2013
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