71 pounds baby!

May 18, 2009

I entered my weight today at 254 and it says my BMI is 39 now!  I looked at the chart and it's no longer in the Morbidly Obese category, I am just severely overweight!  
WOOOOHOOO!!  My BMI was 52 when I started out and I have dropped it in a little over 3 months!  When I tell any of my friends or co-workers they don't understand just how good it feels to know I am out of the morbidly obese category.  I will take severly overweight anyday!  I knew everyone here would understand that so I just had to share!  I am thankful everyday for my RNY!!!

I am feeling wonderful and still loving life!  It feels so good to go clothes shopping and look at the bigger sizes and then realize that isn't me anymore! 

Still loving life!!!!

May 03, 2009

Friday was my 45th b-day and boy do I feel like I turned 30 again!  Wow!  I got my first B12 shot last week and I suspect that is what gave me the terrific energy I have had since then!  It's fabulous!  Yesterday morning the neighbor and I got up and took our dogs for a 2 mile walk out near our river!  It was wonderful!  I had a really good time, the dogs had a blast.  We let them run off leash and it was hard for me to do that, but it turned out ok.  I am used to walking Khloe in town here and leashes are mandatory! 
I hit some rummage sales Saturday and found a few pairs of pants, shorts and several blouses that were in smaller sizes.  I am buying 2 sizes down so that when that time comes I will be ready.  I am in a 22x right now.  I started out at 32x!  WOW!!!
I found a Carolina Panthers sweatshirt and bought that so I can taunt my son.  He is a huge Packers fan and my fiance is a Vikings fan.  I picked the Panthers because they are my favorite animal!  LOL  At least I can be in the spirit with this this fall!  LOL
I just came off a 2 week stall and that was frustrating!  But once I start losing again, I get that awesome feeling going through me!  I am so very glad I had this surgery, no regrets here at all!  Well, maybe that I didn't do it sooner! 

Lots of energy lately!

Apr 15, 2009

I am at 60lbs lost now and feeling fine!  I had a huge burst of energy over the weekend and cleaned out my closet and sorted clothes and got rid of some.  I have a whole crapload of different sizes of shirts, so don't think I will be needing them for a while.  I will be needing some new pants soon though, so maybe time to hit the thrift store!  I have noticed that my weight loss is slowing down now, but still pretty steady at a pound or two a week.  I guess that's normal, not sure.  I do know that when classes end in May, I will be stepping up my exercising and that should help me lose a bit quicker again then!  I am eating pretty much what I want, and have noticed some weird things about my eating.  First of all, I am not liking beef as much any more and I cannot get enough fresh veggies!  I do fruit and fresh veggies at every meal!  I have a hard time with breads too, except for English Muffins.  I can handle the bottom half of one of them for breakfast!  I have noticed my skin is a lot clearer on my face and my color is awesome!  It's just amazing how things have changed for me!  I have not had one sinus headache since before my surgery and I used to have them daily!  I love it!  This is the life!!!!!


Hard to believe

Mar 24, 2009

I am down 51 lbs now!  Woohoo!  I have my 2 month follow up on Monday with Dr. O'Brien and the nutritionist.  I am excited to launch into phase 4 now, but wondering how I am going to try to increase what I eat when I have a hard time now to eat my 6 tablespoons per meal!  My tiredness is slowing going away, I still do get really tired, but not as often or not as bad as before.  My mouth is still dry from time to time, but I am able to drink more each day.  I am wearing clothes I have had in my closet for 4 years and never worn!  It feels really good to wear them and then when I see people I haven't seen for a few weeks, they go on and on.  It can be embarassing, but I really do like that feeling too!  I had always had a hard time with attention being drawn to me.  Now I guess I better get used to it!  

So far

Mar 13, 2009

I have lost 45 lbs!  Wow!  I am really stoked about that.  I am wearing pants that I haven't worn in about 5 years!  It's awesome!  I am walking a mile every day and now doing water aerobics again a few times a week for 90 minutes.  My feet have shrunk a bit too as I had to buy a new pair of slippers.  The other ones I bought for surgery just flew off my feet!  LOL  I have no regrets and am really proud to be sitting on the loser's bench now! 

Surgery over, home now and feeling great!

Feb 09, 2009

My surgery went really well.  The worst part is over now and I am looking forward to starting to notice the weight loss!  I made the mistake of weighing myself in the hospital and I had gained a few pounds with the fluid and gas.  Now I don't wanna look at a scale again for a while!  LOL  I will try to post here more often, so I can see my progress!

Finally I have a date!

Jan 06, 2009

My surgery has been scheduled for February 4th, 2009!  I cannot wait!  I have to go in on the 27th of January and have a filter put in my vena cava (whatever that is) that will help prevent me from getting blood clots.  I have had 2 prior blood clots so it's a big risk.  But I am soooo excited!  I thought this year would never end, plus I had problems with the insurance company so I was REALLY frustrated!  Now I am back on track and really looking forward to it!  
1 comment

April Update

Apr 19, 2008

Wow!  It's been a while since I have been here!  Seems like I am busy all the time now.  I am still doing water aerobics and just logged it all up on my weight management site, and since I started in February I have 42.8 hours of pool time in!  WOWZA!!!  I go almost every nite.  Some weeks I only go 6 days.  I always go for at least 90 minutes, except on Mondays when open swim is only 1 hour in the small pool.  I am loving it!  The best part is I feel so much better!  I am losing weight too, although slowly!  Since November, I have dropped about 21 lbs.  I can't imagine quitting the pool it has become a new addiction and FINALLY!  A HEALTHY ONE!  lol  I hope to try to get my surgery before fall, but definately before Christmas!  I still can't wait to do it!  I know my life is on the right track and I am going to feel so much better!  I hope all of you are doing well too!  ;-)

February update

Feb 28, 2008

Well I have started working out at the YMCA again.  I am doing water aerobics and I LOVE IT!!!  I usually go on the open swim nights and stay for 90 minutes.  I am moving the whole entire time I am in the water.  It's awesome and I feel great!  I haven't lost a whole lot of weight, but my goal for now is just to change my lifestyle.  I even suceeded in getting Paul off the couch and joining me at the Y.  I am so happy he is doing something too.  He would like to have the surgery the same time I do, but his insurance company doesn't cover it and we just can't afford to do it.  I think he will do really good now that he is exercising again.  He is even doing his shop woodworking stuff again, which he hadn't done for almost 2 years!  It's awesome!  I am so thankful I found this method of working out and I am wondering why the hell I never did it before?  I had real issues at first putting a swimsuit on this fat butt, but now I could really care less, because I am feeling really good.  I am getting over pneumonia and I had to miss a week of the water.  I was so mad.  Just when I find something I like...  Then the pool that is heated nice and warm was closed because the heater quit.  It's like one obstacle after another.  Oh well!  I am still not letting it get me down!  I think I will be healthier by the time I have my surgery in December. 

Jan. 24, 2008

Jan 24, 2008

I had a sleep study done on the 21st and it shows mild apnea.  Not enough to use a C-pap, but he said once I have the surgery it will go away.  I also found out I don't have COPD and emphysema like I was told, but I have asthma.  This doc is a pulmonary specialist and he says both will cease to bother me after weight loss.  My next visit with him is on the 12th of Feb. and I am going to see if he will write a letter to my insurance telling them that.  That would be 4 health issues that will totally go away and one more that will be reduced risk for me.  I am still doing all the journaling and stuff they require me to do for the insurance and I am sending them something every stinking day!  I am only required 4 times a week, but they are getting something every day!  Sometimes 3 things at a time.  They are going to be so sick of seeing my name they will just say, "Lets shut this woman up and just send her through!"  LOL  I am still doing ok watching what I eat.  The weight is not coming off too terribly fast though, but I guess that's ok.  As long as I don't gain anymore, I will be fine.  ;-)

About Me
Pierre, SD
Surgery Date
Nov 06, 2007
Member Since

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