
Jan 08, 2008

Well things are going ok here.  I am currently on diet # 5560.  Seriously I am doing ok I guess.  I am not really dieting just changing the way I am eating.  I have lost about 5 lbs since Jan. 1st.  I am working out at the YMCA 3 times a week for 1/2 hour.  That is still REALLY hard for me considering how bad my back and knees are bothering me, but I will do this!  I know I can and I know if I don't any hopes I have for surgery will fly out the window.  I am sending multiple emails every day to the weight management place and hopefully they will notice that I am really trying and cooperating with what they want me to do and just push me through to shut me up.  lol
Paul (my fiance) and Jeremy (my son) are also dieting with me.  We are all putting money in a pot every 2 weeks and the person who loses the most weight by the end of March will get the pot.  It will be $180.  I really hope that Paul gets it just to keep him motivated, but I would like to see Jeremy get it too.  Time will tell... maybe I will get the money!  lol
I am going to try to get here more often and update.  It's really good for me right now to write all this down, even if no one is interested.  lol  Hope everyone's new year is off to a great start!


Dec 22, 2007

"Reinterpreting fat people as chronic dieters puts the psychology of obesity in a whole new light.  If dieting is the crucial varaible, then the fat do not eat because they hurt inside; rather, they hurt because they are trying not to eat, to make their bodies conform to social norms.  The struggle is constant, but lapses are inevitable, especially when emotions are taxed."  

William Bennett & Joel Gurin

The Dieter's Dilemma:  Eating Less and Weighting More

This quote really got my attention.  I have been told I am an emotional eater, but this kinda gets me thinking.    I am currently reading a book entitled:  Emotional Eating; A Practical Guide to Taking Control by Edward Abramson.  I am really liking the book so far as it does explain how we do develop our eating habits and such.  I can really relate to most of the book.  I am on a quest to try to find a new me in my head so that when I do have my surgery I won't lapse back into my old habits.  I don't think I will, but I have to be sure since it's a once in a lifetime shot.  So that is my thought for the day.  You all will probably be sick of reading by the time my year is done!  LOL


Dec 20, 2007

Yesterday I got my letter saying I am approved for surgery.  What I wasn't expecting was to find out that I have to do a year long program before they will pay for it.  I was so ready to have it and bawled like a baby all day after I found this out.  I know I was being stupid about it, but I was really soooo disappointed.  I was hoping to be smaller by this time next year.  I know I still can be, I am going to follow my instructions to the letter.  I know I will start losing some weight again.  What I am worried about is my health.  Have I tried and failed too many times?  Will my heart be the next problem I have?  My dad had 4 heart attacks by the age of 50.  I am 43.  Not good odds there.   I felt like they were saying it's not hard enough for her, let's kick the fat chick while she is down and make it a zillion times hard!   Anyway, enough of feeling sorry for myself.  I WILL DO THIS!  They are not going to break me. 

About Me
Pierre, SD
Surgery Date
Nov 06, 2007
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