It's Been A GREAT Week!

Sep 18, 2009

Well, I am very happy to say that I have had a great week so far. I have had eaten very healthy meals and snacks all week and have had five consecutive days of going to the gym and exercising (mostly cardio stuff). While I hope that I have lost a little weight this week (I’ll weigh myself on Monday) I do know that I feel really good right now.

After seeing everyone’s before/after pictures,  I decided that I wanted to take a lot of pictures of myself at my current weight so I can reference them later to see how much I have lost or if I need a pick me up. Well, I think that I have gone a little overboard with the picture taking. Over the past few days, I think that I’ve taken over 100 pictures of myself in various states (dress, in underwear, nude, from the front, side, back, etc.)

Like most of you did (or currently do) I really do not like the way I look. While I recognize that I will look better in the future after losing the weight, I am genuinely repulsed by the way I look now.  My wife thinks that I am crazy, but that’s honestly how I feel. I bet that this feeling in a fairly common one amongst the OH community.

If you are interested in seeing my before pictures, click on the link I am attaching below to my FLICKR page. I believe that I set up all of the filter correctly so no one will see anything that they were not suppose to. If I missed something, please let me know.

I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!


About Me
Fairfax, VA
Sep 13, 2009
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