Sleep study turns postive..I think

Oct 30, 2016

Last night I went to my sleep study, one more check off my list. It was very interesting to say the least. The tech who help me was very nice and very chatty. He was asking me why the doctors had sent me on a study. Did I think I had sleep apnea? So, I paused did I really want to explain to this tech that I was having weight loss surgery eventually. Screw it I promised myself I would be more open about my weight with people.

 So I explained to him that no I don’t think I have sleep apnea but that I was thinking about having bariatric surgery in a the next 3-4 months. Then I rambled that I hadn’t decided 100% but want to do everything so that when I did make that decision then I had all my ducks in a row. Then he seriously asked me the dreaded question HAVE YOU TRIED OTHER OPTIONS TO LOSE WEIGHT? I want to cry. I didn’t want to hear a rant on how he did this great boot camp and has lost all this weight and if I tried I to could lose all this weight. My face must have shown exactly how I felt. He starts to tell me that he wasn’t judging me, that he too had weight loss surgery year or so ago. He had the vertical sleeve and he had lost 100lbs at first then gained 50lbs back. That he wasn’t sure he do the sleeve again and wishes he had done rny. That he still had a poor relationship with food and how hard it is to change all your habits. That he promised himself that he would never be that person who lost all the weight just to gain it all back. After some question it seems he had lost some of the 50lbs back. There was a lot of thing going on in his life that were stressful. He grazed and ate all the time. At first I was very discouraged by what he said. That am I really going to go through all that work to have surgery then gain it back?

After thinking about it for a while and realized that his issues had a lot to do with his gain some of his weight back. That he had huge amount of stress and he still down at least 50lbs and look pretty good. That it going to be a struggle and that this is just a tool to help me loss the weight. A strong tool then diets and such but a tool non the less. Even though his experience wasn’t all butterflies and cake it was nice to talk to someone who had it done. That he went through this change and it is hard. That I wasn’t imaging that people treat you differently after your loss weight and it takes time to get used to. That it hard not to be mad when this treatment is better since you are the same person as before. Why is a smaller version of me better than the bigger version? I guess that is something I will come to terms with later in my journey. He also told me what a great website this was in keeping motivated. Thank you so much for all your amazing help.


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