Well this is the story of Me, Darlene. I have been the big kid forever.  When we where young my skinny cousin would always tell me it was just baby fat.   Then I had babys and I was told it was baby fat.  And my youngest kid is 15 so I dont think it is baby fat.  I have been on all kinds of diet, and taken all different diet drugs.  No matter how much I lost I would end up gaining all of that plus more.  So I told myself a couple of years ago that Im never going to diet again.  But I started eating more healthy.  I workout every day for at least 30 minutes and my husband said he cant believe how little I eat.  Oh Im not perfit, and I have a donut or pizza now and then.  My husband cant believe how little I eat.  He wasnt gung ho for the surgery at first but I have bought alot of books so he could educate himself on the surgery.  And he knows now that it is for the best.  My knees are so bad, I am in alot of pain just getting up and down.  I dont have diebetes or high blood pressure YET.  But why wait for it to happen.  I just want to be able to run after my grand kids and when my husband retires we want to be able to travel.  It wont be any fun if I cant walk enough to keep up with him.  And my dream is to be able to go shopping for clothes like everyone else.  Not at just the fat stores.  And I want to go to a tropical place and be able to wear something skimpy!!!  Anyway that is my storie as of now.  I started the 6 months supervised diet.  And have my appt. with my surgen on January 24.  I cant wait! Anyways thanks for stopping by, and have a great day.

Take care


About Me
Homer, AK
Apr 29, 2006
Member Since

Friends 7

Latest Blog 3
Well now it is the waiting game.
I'm almost there! :)
got the ball rolling
