Too many hands in the pot!

Oct 06, 2010

For Pete's sake...I'm falling apart!  I had my EGD yesterday and all went well.  They did biopsy one spot for h-pylori so we'll see how that returns.  I've been having pain in my left chest/lung that was bothersome.  Right before they put me under for the EGD, I finally coughed up some stuff that I could tell was in my lung but couldn't get up.  Grose..I know!  But I've never had PAIN there...well since my stabbing and resulting surgery.  So everyone is worried that it might be chest in heart issues.  So I go see my PCP after the EGD and first thing we notice is that I've got edema.  Its memory foam!  She thinks I look puffy so she puts me on bp meds w/ a diuretic - Maxzide?  Something like that.  Anyhow, now I'm peeing up a storm.  In addition, my fasting blood sugar yesterday was 129...highest ever.  So she also ran a HgA1C to see if I"m diabetic.  I'm still waiting on the call.

So, concerning my chest pain, she suggests a cardiologist!  I saw him this morning and now i have to do a stress test.  Running on the treadmill kinda thing.  IF that comes back abby-normal then its off to the cardiac cath lab for me!  Possible stints placed and then Plavix.  The doc told me that means NO WLS SURGERY for at least a YEAR!!!!!!  I'm crapping my drawers!  I'm soooo close to getting my date!  This can't happen NOW!  I'm going to pray, pray, pray that everything turns out normal so I can still have WLS.  Pray for me too! 

Honestly, I don't think I have cardiac issues.  I've only had chest pains twice in my life and once was my gall bladder telling me it needed to be removed.  This time, I am telling you, its my lung!  Why couldn't I have found this all out AFTER surgery?!  The timing couldn't be worse.  I know I should be thankful that it would be one less complication if they do find out something but I've been so focused on doing the "laundry list" for surgery I just don't want anything getting in the way now.  Blah.  I'm bummed!


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Cedar Park, TX
Surgery Date
Jul 22, 2010
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