Kristin R. 22 years ago

Amy, I am so inspired by your message board post! How wonderful! Your son sounds adorable and I'm so glad that you are enjoying your new life with him. Congratulations on the AWESOME weight loss! I bet you looked stunning up there on the runway. I'll keep my eyes out for that show and I'm sure you'll be the best part! Great job again!

MommaAngel 22 years, 1 month ago

HI AMY WOOOOOW That is alot of weight you loss.You will be at goal before you know it.That is so awesome keep up the great work.LORD BLESS

Mary H. 22 years, 1 month ago

CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR WEIGHT LOSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry about the hair . i have a friend that has tried rogain and she said its helped her

bek4901 22 years, 11 months ago

Amy, be good to yourself, and don't expect to feel the same as "everyone" else. Our bodies heal at different speeds. The first couple of weeks I slept, alot!! I didn't push it, and allowed myself the time I needed. I went back to work at 5 weeks. Now- 3 months later- I have more energy than I've had in decades. It will happen. Have a great day, and God Bless

Amy O. 23 years ago

Hi everyone! Well, I'm about 10 days post-op and feeling pretty good. Wow, what a ride it has been. It was more painful than I had expected, and I am very glad to be on the other side. I had to admit the night before. It was very hard with all that time to think in the hospital. I can't tell you how many times I picked up the phone to call my mom to come and get me! That waiting is awful. Sleeping pill or not, I did not sleep. I was the second procedure in the morning, so had to wait until about 9:30 a.m. until they came to get me. Was in the surgery holding area, and kind of fell apart. I missed my 4 year old so. A wonderful, kind nurse held my hands. She was one of Dr. Clayton's surgerical nurses. She told me how brave I was being, how much courage it took to do what I was doing, how much more I will be able to do with my son as the weigh comes off, and assured me that I was in the best of hands with Dr. Clayton. She really restored my sanity at that moment, as I waited. Anyway, woke up after the surgery and wanted to die! Sorry folks, not gonna lie to ya! It hurts like hell! And believe me, I've felt some pain in my life! But all in all, I did great. No complications at all. I was in ICU for 24 hrs. Dr. Clayton requires this for all patients. Boy do they ever take care of you in there! And then to my regular room after that. All the nurses were wonderful. I haven't a single complaint. Go Brotman Medical Center! So anyway, here I am at home doing great. You truly do get a little better every day. I am rather bored with the "diet" at this point. It does fill me up, but doesn't really satisfy me. I look forward to July 4th when I get to add some soft foods like yogurt and cream of wheat! (Dr. Clayton has a very restrictive post-op diet. She feels it necessary in order for the stomach to heal. All docs are different, however.) So for now it's just protein drink, popsicles, water, crystal light, sugar-free jello, and broth. The broth really helps a lot. You get tired of all the sweet taste. Well, I guess that's about it for now! Just very happy and thankful to talking to you all from this side. The hard part is behind me, and I look so forward to beginning my new life. I turned 40 in the hospital, so this is truly a new beginning for me!

careywatkins 23 years ago

Hi Amy! Just wondered how you were doing after surgery? I hope the surgery was uneventful and that your recovery is quick. Take care and update your profile so we can see how well you're doing!! Take care!

Ginger E. 23 years, 1 month ago

Amy,I too am having surgery on the 31st.So I know how your feeling.I just ordered a book on healing after surgery.It also tells you how to prepare for surgery.You can find it on it will help.Good Luck!!

Amy O. 23 years, 1 month ago

As I'm getting closer to my surgery date of May 31st, I'm getting so anxious! Most of the posts I read, everyone is so excited. I am, but I guess I'm scared too. I don't want to deal with any complications, as I am a single mother of a three year old and have to return to work as soon as possible! I want to be one of the lucky ones with no problems! Is that too much to ask?!! I guess all I can do is pray about it and know that I am in God's hands. Anyway, I am curious about a couple of things. If anyone can e-mail me with their comments I would sure appreciate it. I'm just wondering what to expect the first week or so after surgery. I'm not worried about the pain per se. I've had two back surgeries and can deal with pain. I'm just wondering what to expect regarding what my body will go through. Example, I have heard about spasms, nausea, vomiting, etc. Is that the "rule" or the "exception"? I'd just like to know what to expect when I get home so I don't freak out and think something is wrong with me! By the way, incase the type of surgery makes a difference, I'm having open RNY. Would appreciate any and all comments! Thanks so much for being here for me!

Amy O. 23 years, 1 month ago

I went to the group at the Spectrim last night. I don't know. Sometimes I wonder if it is better to just have the surgery without knowing exactly what is going to happen. Then you just deal with it at the time instead of having all this information to worry about ahead of time! I get mixed emotions in the group. It's like a rollercoaster ride. I'm doing the right thing! I'm not doing the right thing! Yes! No! Cancel! Can't wait! And then I hear that all of these feelings are normal and I try to chill out. They gave us little bottles of bubbles in group to help with the stress. I think I'll go blow some now! Until later...

Amy O. 23 years, 1 month ago

Yesterday I had an appointment with my internist to go over test results, etc. He was wonderful. Assured me that I had made the right choice, told me that I was a "prime" candidate for surgery, and got me excited. Yeah! Tonight I am going to the support group that meets at the Spectrim. It will be my 2nd time there. I'm really looking forward to it. I'm sure that will help me get through these next 3 weeks of waiting!
About Me
El Segundo, CA
Surgery Date
Apr 03, 2001
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
May 31, 2001 - Night before surgery...and anticipating my new life...
May 31, 2002 - 186 lb. gone in 1 year! (An update - today is September 15, 2002, and I'm down to 173 lbs. 200 pounds lost in 15 months, and 23 to go!)

Friends 1
