6 month post op

Nov 07, 2008

Well it is hard to believe that it is just about 6 mos since I began this journey, man it has gone by fast!!!  I am down 110+ pounds now, totally amazing!!!  Not too many problems to post either, I am doing good, other than some knee problems all is good !!!  I  am so glad to have made this decision to change my life!!!

August 2008

Aug 08, 2008

My 3 month post op appt is next week, man has it gone by fast!!!  I still can't believe it.  Everything is going good, if I take my time when eating and don't get in hurry.  I am down 75 pounds now, which is truly unbelievable, before once I reached about 50 pounds I would blow it and gain it back (and then some usually)
All the blood work has come back good, except the iron count which is low (normal for me)....hopefully all the others are good!

that's all for now.


May 17, 2008

Well I am 5 days post op now and feeling good, other than some back pain?
The surgery went well, I was the first one of the day, that is always nice. 
It  will be fun to see how fast the weight comes off, hopefully it will be fast at first anyway!!  I love to see the scale move in the right direction!!!  I can definately tell you that I am NOT hungry at ALL!!!  What a wierd thing!!!
AND....my blood sugars are in the 70's and 80's now!!!!  YAY!!!
I will try and post regularly on how things are going

I finally have a date

Mar 24, 2008

Well I finally have a date, it is May 12th, my first appt with the nutritionist was today, she was great and very supportive and reassuring.  This is going to be a long journey, but well worth any thing.  I am looking forward to a healthier life.

About Me
Chehalis, WA
Surgery Date
Dec 28, 2007
Member Since

Friends 11

Latest Blog 4
6 month post op
August 2008
I finally have a date
