
Dec 10, 2012

So I get a call today from the doc's office saying that my blood work is back. They said that I am low in my B-12, D and D3. The doc is calling in a prescription for my Vitamin D. He said I am to take it once a week for 12 weeks. I am to go out and get B-12 and D3 vitamins and start taking them. They said they would call me in 2 months to schedule more blood work to see if my levels are back to normal. I hope that this doesnt hold me up from getting everything scheduled. **Fingers Crossed**

Then I get a call from the Sleep Study Lab saying they got a cancelation for tonight and that I can come in tonight if I wanted to move everything up....Well I do want to move it up but I have to have more notice than this. I have a child that I need to find a ride for from school if I go tonight. I had to decline but told them to please keep me in mind for any other cancelations.

I hope things go smoothly with the vitamin upgrade. I calculated the 12 weeks out and that would bring it out to the end of February. That would be my 5 TH month of supervised diets. I wish that I could move things along quicker but with the holidays coming up and me busy with preparing for the Holiday Basketball Tournament and making sure all the Plaques and trophies are done plus all the t-shirts....well this will be crazy till the new year.

Tomorrow night will be my 3 RD supervised diet. 3 down, 3 to go. I am hoping that by spring I will have the surgery and start using my new tool. Maybe riding on the back of the BF's motorcycle wont be so bad now. The tires wont go down quite as much and i also wont bend the back rest when we leave from stops signs anymore. YEA!!!!



Weird events and an update

Dec 05, 2012

Well I tried to post a blog from my home computer but the box to type in was all gray and i couldn't get my cursor in the box to type or see anything. Today I am doing this from my office and it is now working fine. There must be some settings on my home computer i need to change,,,UGH!

So yesterday I had 4 tests run. My arterial blood gas (ABG) test measures the levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood to determine how well your lungs are working, my blood work, upper gastrointestinal (UGI) series, and my Spirometry which is the most common of the pulmonary function tests (PFTs), measuring lung function, specifically the amount (volume) and/or speed (flow) of air that can be inhaled and exhaled.

I spent most of the day there. I arrived at 8:30am. My appointment was for 9:00am. I went to the main desk sat there for 5 mins to be told to move to another out-patient scheduled testing desk. I sat there for another 15 mins. I was told to go back to the first area as I couldn't take my UGI before my blood work because it will counter act with each other...HUH? OK. So the nurse then says that I have to be down to get my UGI at 9am, and it was now 8:55. Needless to say I sat for another 20mins(9:15am) waiting for someone to start my blood work. I got that done and was taken back to get the UGI. I get there and wait til 10:05am. Now the fun begins.....first I was told I was late(no i wasn't late the nurses up front couldn't figure out where i was suppose to go), next I was told that I wasn't suppose to eat/drink after midnight(I was never told that by my doctors office who gave me the paperwork and there was no instructions included in the packet of papers, just to orders to do the testing and a check list for my self). UGH!!! So here I sit thinking I will have to take another day off work to do these tests again. Luckily I didn't eat much and I ate early enough that the person doing the testing said that it should be early enough that the bite of food I did have wouldn't matter. So that gets done. The barium isn't as nasty as I was expecting. Milk of Magnesia is worse in my opinion. Finally I got back to my starting point and get my spirometry test and my ABG testing done. The test that hurt the most is the ABG. They hit that soft spot on my wrist and it is still sore this morning.

So the lady doing my Spirometry test said that I did well so she doesn't think I will need to take a pulmonary test. Well there is a plus to the day.

So this month is the 3rd month of the required 6 months. When I met with my Doctor last month they took my height again. From the time I was in school until now i have shrunk. I have gone from 5'5" to 5'3". I dont know how that happened. But either way now I definitely fall into the higher BMI. I was going by my height of 5'5". Now I calculate it and it is now 42. Only 3 months to go. Slow and steady. Of course you get anxious cause you know with every test and every month that passes you are one step closer to starting a new life and getting a new tool to aid you in this new life. The only thing that can stop you would be you not getting approved for the test by your insurance company. I hope and pray that is not the case for me.

Well it is now time for lunch. Until next time America...LOL


Some tests are now scheduled

Nov 27, 2012

Well I just got a call from the doctor's office. I now have my ABG, Bedside PFT, Blood work and UGI scheduled for Dec 4th @ 9am. I decided to take the day off because after drinking that nasty liquid and getting poked with all these needles, I don't think i will feel much like going back to work.  As I mentioned before, I have my Sleep study scheduled for Jan. 2nd @ 8:30pm til Jan. 3 @ 5am. The nurse said that she wont be able to schedule my Cardiology testing until after my sleep study. I have to call my Psychologist and ask him to fax to my doctor a letter of clearance. I would call him today but of all days for me NOT to bring my book of notes, it would be today, and I need the Doctors office fax number to send the letter to. I guess it can wait a day. It seems like things are moving forward nicely. I guess the test will come when they send in the papers to my insurance company to see if I have been approved. I guess everyone goes through this where everything is going smoothly and seems too good to be true and then a little kink happens to slow/stop the progress you worked so hard on. I just need to THINK POSITIVE!


Too long since last update

Nov 19, 2012

Well...Let's see what has happened since the last update.  I had my first supervised diet at the end of October. I had my one-on-one the beginning of November. My Second supervised diet last week. Finally today i just had my meeting with my doctor. He wants me to have a whole list of things....Now i am just typing these off his list...LTR to PCP, Psych eval, Nutritional Eval, US GB, ABG's, Bedside PFT's, Lipid Profile..THose are just the standards that have to be done. He also requested Cardiac Eval, Pulmonary Eval, Thyroid Profile, UGI, Plus a Sleep Study. I just scheduled my sleep study for January 2, 2013. I already have a rough draft to my PCP, I just spoke with my Psychologist last week and he said that he believes that I am very well prepared and I know the risks and results and he would be happy to write a letter for me and just need to call and let the nurses know. My Nutritional Eval Is already completed. I am not sure what some of the other things that I will need to complete are with all these acronyms they have here. LOL. I have a heart murmur that he wants checked out. I have also been diagnosed with Exercise asthma. I have been exercising recently but it is limited as i do get winded. I was keeping a food diary but since my oldest son moved out of the house unexpectedly, I have been a bit stressed and forget to eat. Yes I know that would be a good thing but then my body gives me signs that it wasn't a good move to forget to eat. Of course i need to start to find other ways to deal with my stress, but this is a learning process. I am only on month 2 of the supervised diet plan. So I do have some time to learn new things.

I did ask my nutritionist about eating baby food instead of pureeing foods, she said that isn't a good idea. I did get the OK from the Doc that i can still take my Ibuprofen after the surgery as long as i take the antacid first. So big YEA! I have tried Tylenol for my carpal tunnel but that doesn't work at easing the pain. I have been researching this for so long that I have a lot of questions already answered from either my family who had WLS or from the forums here. Everyone has been such a big help in answering all the newbie questions.

Well I must go. I need to complete my day at work then start the "MOM's TAXI Service" for my youngest for his practice. I have some goals that i need to fix and be more diligent in working on. Till next time


Starting to watch my portions

Oct 16, 2012

So yesterday at lunch I had some of my Progresso soup. I had the Noodles and beans. That was a mistake. All those beans made my stomach feel gassy. UGH. The worse feeling in the world is when you are hurting from lunch and you can do anything about it. I went home at 4:30 and was laying on the couch. My youngest comes up and asks me what is wrong. I try to explain it so not as to sound to grose, he is 16 so it isnt like he is younger and wont understand. Then he just calmly and very informatively says, "Mom, why dont you just fart and get it all out?" I dont think i could keep a straight face. I guess if i could have I would have done that. Instead I went to the old stand by Milk of Magnesia.

I am feeling better today. So I have a change of eating plans today. I got these bowls in the baby department that holds 8 oz of soup. I am now going to portion off my food as to what the can says. If there is 2 servings, then i will have 2 bowls. That way I am not eating too much so when I do have the surgery that eating smaller portions, than what I am currently, it wont feel like a big change or that I am feeling those hunger pangs. I am hoping that today is going to be better. I am eating more times throughout the day. Breakfast, snack, Lunch, snack, dinner, snack. I have been reading that it should be about every 3 hours. so that is what i am going to do. Plus I am uping my water intake. Plain water is OK but after a while it can be a struggle to get the water in. I am now using different packets from Crystal Light and the Wal-mart brand, to get my water in.

Now I am hoping that these changes work and it will be something that will be easy to stick to.

More weight loss

Oct 15, 2012

I started at my highest weight of 240 at the beginning of August. I believe this is my highest weight since i only first started to watch the scales in the last few years. I signed up for SNAP Fitness in my town at the end of August and my weight was 236, I believe but I will check on that when I get home. Since then I have been watching what I have been eating. I went to the seminar at the end of September and I believe my weight stayed the same. I haven't had my #1 supervised diet meeting yet with the nutritionist but it is scheduled for this Friday. Today I get on the scale and it reads.....226!. WoooooHoooooo. All of this without a diet plan. This now makes me feel a bit better because now I can see that I can make these changes to my life style without much problem.

I have been working out almost every day at the gym and if not there then I can in my home with my elliptical.

I cant wait to go to my meeting on Friday to have my first meeting to show them my progress. Today is a good day.

Someone said that since I lost 10 pounds I should see a difference in my pants. They said that I should lose a pant size for every 10 pounds. I cant see it but then again I have read it all on these forums that most of the time when we lose the weight we still have this other image in our heads that we are still over weight even though we are losing.

I will take it for now. I am still going to do what i am doing to get myself a good base for the new tool that will be given to me.

On my way now...

Oct 11, 2012

After some persistence in calls and emails to my doctors office, I finally got some dates scheduled. I have my first supervised diet plan on the 19th of october. I got my one-on-one scheduled for Nov 1st. My second supervised diet plan on the 13th of Nov, and my meeting with my doctor on the 19th. Whew.... I am so excited that i finally got something moving in the right direction. If  everything goes well my 6th and final month of supervised diet plan required by my insurance co, will be in March of 2013. I am hoping that things will go great and i can get a surgery date scheduled for sometime in April 2013.

I guess that the saying is true that the squeeky wheel gets the oil. I think that had i just sat by and waited paitiently, I would not have been called until Nov or Dec.

Well I have been doing OK on my own dieting and watching what I have been eating. Since the beginning of September i have lost 11 lbs... not too bad.


Current Eating

Oct 03, 2012

So I figured today I would blog. I am currently on lunch at work. I have been watching what I have been eating and watching the labels. I figure I should get into the habit now cause it will be a life habit after the surgery. I eat at lunch soup. Specifically Progresso. They have so many different varieties... Traditional, Light, Vegetable Classics, Reduced Sodium, Rich & Hearty, High Fiber & 100 calorie or less. I have been eating the Light, Reduced Sodium, 100 calorie. I do have a few of the other kinds but I am really trying to watch the ingredient list. These soups do fill me up. It has occurred to me over the last few weeks that I am eating less and less for either lunch or dinner. I get fuller quicker. I am not sure if this is something my mind is telling me to get use to as this will soon be the amount you will be eating, but I am not sure.

Today is different. I had a package of 100 calorie crackers as a snack, then for lunch I brought one of my soups. Well to back track a day...we had a retirement party yesterday at work and of course we have leftovers. I did sample a few things but from experience I will get a small scoop of the dish and not several and several scoops. Now for lunch I was going to eat my soup, and still plan on it, but there was a green bean dish that was brought in late so i wanted to sample it today. I warmed it up and the soup. Well I ate the green beans but a couldn't eat the soup. I don't know if it was either the green beans made me full or the smell or taste of the soup turned me off. Now I am not going back for more of anything. I just really don't feel like eating.

I have yet to understand my body right now. I have NOT had any surgery, yet. But my eating has become strange. I rarely eat junk food now and I don't eat as much as I did last month. I am exercising and walking after work but my eating irregularity cannot be because of that.

Since the beginning of the month, when I started going to the gym, I have lost about 10 pounds. That is also about the same time that eating changed. I just cant figure out what all this means. It seems weird, but I am not sure. It is very confusing. I sometimes crave sweets but not as much as I once did. Maybe I will figure this out once I get an appointment with my nutritionist.

I was signed up for a seminar at UPMC-Horizon in Greenville. I am waiting on a phone call to start the nutrition plan. The ladies that work with Dr. Myers said not to worry if they don't call us right away because the patients from Hermitage were now being transferred to Dr. Myers as the doctor moved to Erie. I was hoping to start my 6 month supervised diet the beginning of October so I could hopefully get scheduled in April after the 6 months. It now looks like it wont be until November when I get in so that means MAYBE May 2013 for possible surgery date. Ugh! I wanted to go to Greenville cause it was closer but now I am wondering if I should have gone to Erie as they could have got me in right away with their nutritionist.

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