Day 5 of the 5 Day Pouch Test

Jan 07, 2009

Well I am happy to say I have completed with what I think is success on the 5dpt.  It was so easy to do, I didn't cheat at all, I followed the program to the "T".  Today we were allowed to have firm protein (chicken & beef) well for dinner I made this crock pot garlic & thyme chicken and I measured out 4 ounces and I could not finish the 4 ounces at all.  I was full, before I did this I would have ate the 4 ounces, some mashed potatoes and a veggie.  I am so glad I did this, it really took me back and made me see my mistakes and what I need to get back to doing.  Our surgery is just a tool and if we don't use the tool correctly it won't work.  It is kind of like trying to use a hammer to screw in a screw, it just doesn't happen the way it should.  I have found some great new recipes and will be using them in the future.  I am going to Ocean City, MD with my churches youth group for the Peninsula Delaware Conference annual youth rally, but I have decided I am taking an egg bake for my breakfasts, a case of water, 3 protein bars and some other healthy things for me to eat.  There will be no Dough Rollers pizza going into my pouch or anything else that is bad for me.  I have complete control of my pouch and the head will not win this one. 

I highly recommend anyone who needs to get back on track to try this plan, it is very helpful and fairly easy to do.  I am going to try to do it about every other month too, just to keep me on the straight & narrow.  If anyone has any questions please feel free to contact me, I will answer what I can. 


Day 3 on 5DPT

Jan 05, 2009

Well day 3 is now complete and once again I succeeded.  I know I can do this, after all it is just going back and doing the right things instead of all the wrong things.  Breakfast this morning was a challenge, I HATE beans and I ate the moch egg burritto with refried beans.  I was surprised, when I piled on the egg, cheese and salsa I really couldn't taste the beans, thank God.  The parmesian tuna patties were really good and I did enjoy them.  I made the peanut butter bites also and I added too much milk but they still turned out really good just runny and now in a bowl instead of balls.  I am excited to see the final results and what day 6 will bring.  I just need to keep telling myself that I did this to save my life for the rest of my life. 


Day 2 5 day Pouch Test

Jan 04, 2009

Well Day 2 is history and I am proud to say I survived 2 days on liquids.  It was actually easier then I thought.  I had a yummy strawberry shake with yogurt, skim milk and frozen berries for breakfast, I had a double Healthwise Hot chocolate for morning snack, lunch & dinner was the pumpkin & sausage soup and my evening snack was applesauce with a scoop of unflavored Unjury.  I didn't have an afternoon snack, had a late lunch and dinner would have been pushed back to about 7pm.  I did get on the scale this morning and I lost 2.4lbs in just one day.  I was surprised and happy to say the least. 

There were a couple of hurdles today too and I resisted them, the men of our church sell sausage sandwiches the 1st Sunday of every month and today was the day.  I gave a donation and walked away.  They smelled wonderful and I wanted one but I knew that I had the will power to just walk away. 

Day 1 on the 5 Day Pouch Test!!!

Jan 03, 2009

Well today was easier then I thought it would be.  I am so excited, I got in all my protein, stuck to the liquids and made the awesome Pumpkin & Sausage soup that they allow you on this.  I am finishing the night off with a Banana Pudding from Healthwise. 

Exercise is still a problem, I did get out and walk around the yard today though.  The neck & back pain is unbearable sometimes and makes it impossible to exercise or walk the way I use too.  I need to get a good night's sleep though, I barely slept last night at all and I am really exhausted.

Tomorrow is day 2 and I can't wait to eat more of that soup.

5 Day Pouch Test Prep

Jan 01, 2009

Well I have my menus all planned out for each day.  Tomorrow I am going shopping for everything I need to make this a success.  I am starting this on Saturday, January 3rd instead of the 12th.  I decided the sooner I do this the better.  Plus I have a job interview tomorrow morning and I am hoping I get the job and will be spending Sunday preparing all the food for the week that I will be eating.  I have a spaghetti dinner that I am going to on Saturday night, but I wouldn't have eaten the spaghetti anyway, so that won't be affecting me at all.  Now the desserts that will be there might be another story, but I have willpower and determination and I will succeed.  I need to go back to the basics and get this done.  I am the "Little Engine that Could" and I will be back on track by this time next week. 

5 Day Pouch Test

Dec 30, 2008

Well, they said it could happen and it did.  I am finding myself eating all the wrong foods again and always munching on something.  Christmas this year I became the cookie and candy monster.  Today is a new day and I have the tools to get the new found pounds off and the ambition.  No more excuses!!!!  I know what I have to do and I am going to do it.  On Saturday, January 3, 2009 I will be starting the 5 day pouch test.  I sat down yesterday and planned everything I am going to eat, meal by meal and snack by snack.  I am excited, to say the least, a little nervous about 2 days of liquids, but I know I can do it.  I will be making a Pumpkin Sausage soup to help me through.  I am going grocery shopping on Thursday to get everything I need and will start cooking some of the foods on Sunday, especial the egg bakes that they want you to eat.  I am even going to eat some refried beans, not excited about that, but it is part of the moch egg burrito so for the protein I have to do it. 

So this is where I am starting and will keep this blog updated daily with my progress. 

Time is just flying

Aug 14, 2007

Wow, I just can not believe that summer is over.  My son starts back to school in 2 weeks and footballs starts tomorrow.  I am now 16 months post op and feel wonderful.  I was stuck between 190-192lbs for the past 3 months, then out of the blue I am down to 185lbs.  This makes me extremely happy, I was happy before but I really wanted to get down to 169lbs.  Life is good, I have a wonderful man in my life who loves me with all of his heart and I love him back.  It is funny though because we have known each other for 20 years and this blindsided both of us.  We never thought this was possible.  It just amazes me when I think about it.  I feel so safe and loved when I am with him.  He knew me before my surgery and liked me then, thought I was pretty then, but now he loves the way I look and I have turned his head and his heart.  The worst part about this relationship is he lives 1 1/2 hours from me, I go down there every weekend to be with him.  I can honestly say that he completes me.  Since he is the brother of one of my best friends I already know that I have the family's approval, which makes me happy.  They all love me and I love them right back.  It is amazing though, when we are apart we can't wait to be together again.  I am here in DE for another 2 years though, until my son graduates high school, then I am headed down to be with him. 

Life is good for me.....

About Me
Federalsburg, MD
Surgery Date
Sep 13, 2005
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Time is just flying
