3 yrs RNY Post Op

Nov 09, 2012

Wow!! How fast 3 years have flown by...... My current weight is 140, I did on purpose gain 10 lbs. because I was so skinny my veins popped out in my arms and I hated how it looked, I feel very good at this weight and have no troubles maintaining it.

In May, I had breast augmentation and lift. I still need a tummy tuck but that will come in time. In hindsight, I wish I would have done my tummy first because I have to still wear a body shaper to keep things smooth. But it was getting to swim suit season and my hubby and I were headed to St Thomas for vacation. I was having such a hard time find a bathing suit that looked good in with the deflated breast I had. So new boobs it was. Not complaining though I do love them...

I still struggle with my eating; you know they did not operate on our brains... I fight myself daily about eating right, some days I win and other days my brain wins. It is a daily struggle, but I find that if I get my protein in by having a shake in the am, protein bars in the afternoon and drinking water w/crystal light I have better control.

Looking forward to the years to come!




Still maintaining.... but my fat girl brain is raging!

Jul 01, 2012

Post op 2 years 8 months, current weight 138.  I'm struggling... I have no food issues... I can eat anything.. Bummer I really wanted to have a bad reaction to sugar but I don't.  My issue is my pre op thinking and impulses are coming back.  Eating with out thinking about  what I am putting in my mouth, even if I'm not hungry or recently eaten.  I freaking out about how to get my brain to stop this.   I do not want to gain my weight back.  Maybe I need a shrink or be hypnotized.  Anyone eles dealing with this? 


1 year post op

Nov 12, 2010

On Nov 6, 2010 @ 12pm, I hit my 1 year Anniversary .... I made it, I made it.  I hit my weight goal about a month ago 130 lbs.  I could not believe it.  This was the best thing that I have ever done for my self.  But if I thought the last year was hard to get through with all the food phases, getting in all the protein and stuff.  Now the real challenge has begun,staying this weight and not going back to the old habits, that is going to be hard.  I do not have any food issue or maybe that is because I have worked the program and not ventured off the path to far.  Anyway I had to share.  Maybe some time I can figure out how I shrank thy profile picture and put up a new one of me now. 


Week 10 post wls

Dec 20, 2009

My first week back to work ... wow..... I was exhausted and eating lunch was hard for me.  But I made it though, with lots of soup.  The goodies for Xmas that are every where are not bothering me at all (Thank goodness).   Actually, the smell of the sweets kinda make me sick (yeah).  But it is the salty things that are driving me nuts... I want salt, salt, salt......yum... My next thing to do it start exercising.  I have not worked that into my routine yet.  I know I do, but that is one thing that I dislike.  SO I have to kick my self too get on a program.  Wish me luck.  Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.. Deb


3 weeks post op

Nov 28, 2009

Well, these 3 weeks have been interesting to say the least.  I really realized that I had a love affair with food.  I spent the 1st week dreaming of it.  Then I was obsessed with the Food network.  Now I am craving carbs,  I know this will pass I just need to keep looking toward the goal.
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My new journey

Nov 05, 2009

Tomorrow at 12 pm est I start down  new path, one I thought I would never need to do.  But here I am, with a lot of  love and support from family and friends. 

About Me
Boonville, IN
Surgery Date
Nov 05, 2009
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