3 yrs RNY Post Op

Nov 09, 2012

Wow!! How fast 3 years have flown by...... My current weight is 140, I did on purpose gain 10 lbs. because I was so skinny my veins popped out in my arms and I hated how it looked, I feel very good at this weight and have no troubles maintaining it.

In May, I had breast augmentation and lift. I still need a tummy tuck but that will come in time. In hindsight, I wish I would have done my tummy first because I have to still wear a body shaper to keep things smooth. But it was getting to swim suit season and my hubby and I were headed to St Thomas for vacation. I was having such a hard time find a bathing suit that looked good in with the deflated breast I had. So new boobs it was. Not complaining though I do love them...

I still struggle with my eating; you know they did not operate on our brains... I fight myself daily about eating right, some days I win and other days my brain wins. It is a daily struggle, but I find that if I get my protein in by having a shake in the am, protein bars in the afternoon and drinking water w/crystal light I have better control.

Looking forward to the years to come!




About Me
Boonville, IN
Surgery Date
Nov 05, 2009
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