Guess Who's Pregnant?

Aug 09, 2008

That's right!  I found out that I was pregnant on April Fool's Day!  It was quite a shock as we were not trying and in fact trying not to get pregnant due to my RNY.  But God had other plans for us!  This is a welcomed blessing and we are very excited!  I am now 6 months and so far everything is going smoothly.  As far as my weight goes I have only gained 4 lbs .  My Dr. prefers me to not gain.  I am eating much more than I was prior and hope that after the baby is born I can get back on track and lose my remaining 75 lbs.  I feel that if it were not for me having the RNY and losing 100 lbs this miracle probably would not be taking place right now...  Wish us luck!

Almost 9 Weeks Post-Op

Nov 10, 2007

Wow!  Did that time go fast!  I had all intentions of updating regularly, but time is flying by too fast!  Went back to work 3 weeks post-op and all free time went out the door!  But I am doing well, can't complain!  

Dealing with my pouch is getting a little easier every day.  At first it was like a part time job trying to feed it, understand it, counting proteins, fluids...  I still log everything I eat on a daily basis to track my proteins.  I still drink 1-2 protein shakes per day to get in the 60-80gm's of protein daily.  I found out that it wasn't worth getting sick to physically try and eat 60-80gm's of protein a day so I now supplement with a shake or two.  Melba rounds and spreadable cheese are my old standby!  Just went on the scale and I'm down 71lbs!  Now in the 250's!  Woohoo!  Haven't seen those numbers in 10 years!  Lost 40lbs since RNY and 31lbs pre-op on Medifast.  

My diabetes and high blood pressure are gone!  Latest blood work showed my fasting glucose was 90!  My total cholesterol was 152!  And my blood pressure was 124/78!  Unbelievable!  Still on the C-Pap machine, once I hit the 100lb loss I will schedule another sleep study to see if I can ditch that thing!

Some WOW moments:
~Fitting into clothes I out-grew or never fit into!
~Going from a 30/32 top to a 22/24!
~My feet don't swell anymore and shoes are lose!
~My rings are swimming around my fingers!
~Fitting into chairs better! Not affraid of armed chairs!
~Fitting in a diner booth!  No afraid of booths anymore!
~My husband telling me I am "melting" before his eyes!
~My boss and co-workers telling me "I am withering to nothing"!
~My friends, who are also over weight saying "We've never been around someone whose life doesn't revolve around food".  They were talking about me now!
~The smile on my primary care doctors face when he saw me 2 months post-op and read my weight and blood work results!  He's been waitng for this for a long time!  

Life is good!  I wish I would have done this sooner!  It's the first time in my life where I know I can't over eat or eat bad things.  Physically you just can't do it !  It's a no brainer!!! 

Almost 2 Weeks Post-Op

Sep 23, 2007

I went to the doctor on Tuesday.  He said I was doing well and he took out the drain.  Well that was an experience!  It hurt like #*$@%!!!!  Hope to not ever experience that again! I was sore for the next day.  He upgraded me to soft foods now!  Woohoo!!!  The first thing I ate was instant mashed potatoes! Yum!  So now I am eating yogurt, oatmeal, cottage cheese, applesauce, and pureed chicken.  Feeling very full just after eating a few ounces, but need to get those 80g's of protein in.  On days when I feel I can't eat any more I will supplement with a 25g whey protein drink to get up to 80g's.  I've lost a total of 15lbs since 9/10.  Otherwise doing well, some of my incisions are still not closed yet, but slowly getting there.

I Survived!

Sep 14, 2007

I've made it through the toughest part of this journey!  I had my RNY on Monday.  I went into surgery about 8am and was out at about 12pm (my surgeon likes to take his time to do it right).  The 1st day was the the hardest.  I had no warning about the pent up gas that would be throughout my body after this!  The gas pains in my back were the worst part of this recovery.  I had my swallow study the next morning at 8:30am and was cleared of any leaks.  Was ok'd for a clear liquid diet and boy did that sugar free sorbet taste good!  It was and still is a little difficult to get the liquids down when you are so bloated with gas, but it's getting a little better each day.  I was released from the hospital on Wednesday and it was so good to get home...  I did weigh myself and the scale showed a 9lb. weight gain from Monday, but have since lost that plus 3 more lbs.  Wow lots of fluids pumped into me!  My stomach was and is still very swollen.  I still have a drain on my left side, and it turns my stomach to empty several times a day! Yuk!  But all in all I am getting better every day.  I'm just finding it very hard to get the necessary fluids in.  I'm on clear liquids until I see my doctor on Tues. and I'm sure he will upgrade me to a thicker liquid diet.  Right now he wants me to get in 80 gms of protein daily in the form of two 20oz. bottles of liquid protein.  I can't fathom getting in 2 a day!  It's taking me all day to just get one in.  I'm assuming it will gradually increase with time?  I'm off my diabetes and high blood pressure meds now (I had a mild case of both).  So far so good!  I'll see what happens on Tuesday...

Tomorrow's the big day!

Sep 09, 2007

A lot has happened in the past week and a half.  I had my upper endoscopy and my surgeon discovered that I had Barrett's Esophagus Disease.  I was devistated to say the least.  Then he went on to say that he does not recommend the Gastric Sleeve now...  12 days before surgery and everything had changed in a flash.  He was now recommending Gastric Bypass.  He said that the Sleeve could make my reflux disease get worse which in turn would make the Barrett's worse and that can potentially turn into cancer...  By having the Gastric Bypass my reflux disease will be resolved and I should not have to ever worry about the Barrett's turning into cancer.  So I went home and cried half the day away wondering what I should do.  I kept looking at the before and after pics on this site.  I didn't want to give up my dream of having my pics up on there one day, and I definitely didn't want to risk cancer of the esophagus, so there was my answer.

I've been trying to learn as much as possible now about the RNY and the post op diet...  It's more invasive and it's scary to think of what I will be going through in less than 24 hours.  My husband, my mom, and I met with my surgeon on Thursday to discuss everything.  He was very good and I have a lot of confidence in him.  He spent an hour with us giving detailed info and answering all of our questions.  I believe there's a reason for God not wanting me to have the Sleeve.  I don't know the reason, but I'm sure there is.  I'm trusting in Him to get me through this life changing procedure safely.  

More to come soon, bye for now... 

About Me
port monmouth, NJ
Surgery Date
Jul 22, 2007
Member Since

Friends 13

Latest Blog 5
Guess Who's Pregnant?
Almost 9 Weeks Post-Op
Almost 2 Weeks Post-Op
I Survived!
Tomorrow's the big day!
