O the dread gallstones!!!!!

Dec 17, 2013

Hello Everyone,

I have come ALONG WAY!!!  Went to Dr. Gibbs for my 2 year checkup.  Dr, Gibbs told me I was doing a terrific job and is very proud of me and my progress.  Ok well 220 pounds lighter *YEAH ME!!!* When I was in his office I mentioned to him that I had a pain in my left side, I asked him if I had problems with my gallbladder how would I know.  Dr. Gibbs advised me of the place I would feel the pain, my eyes got big and said OMG!!! That's where I feel it,  He said in his ever so calm voice, would you like to get an ultra sound and I said yes please.  Right away I was whisked off to another part of his office and had an ultra sound completed and BOOM right there and then the ultra sound showed lots and lots and even lots more stones.  Dr. Gibbs advised me the stones will not go away and will get worse.  I'm like oh no I can't have an emergency situation as I take care of my mom who has Alzheimer's.  So today we scheduled an appt to have my gallbladder removed.  Thursday December 19 is the day.  I thought I would never have to go under ever again.  I opted not to have plastic surgery, I promised myself I would do a very good job of exercising to pull that skin tight, which I did and I kept that promise to myself. Now onto another journey, the removal of my gallbladder.  I feel safe with Dr. Gibbs doing the surgery, but its the thought of having to go under once again.  Wonder why they just do not remove the gallbladder when they do the RNY anyway.  After all loosing lots of weight whether you have had surgery or not gallstones are going to most likely to occur.  So why not take it out anyway?  So, I'm not worried, but then again I am ya know?  I hate having to be still for a few days and then being sore then not being able to go swimming.  So I asked the doctor, "so how long do I have to wait until I can go swimming again?"  He chuckled and said, "give it a couple of weeks."  He knows I love to swim and that's my major form of exercise.  Will check in again and let you know how it all goes.  I am getting ready for the surgery by making sure the house is clean, food cooked for the week and all that good stuff.




