I'm starting to feel excited

Mar 04, 2011

Until now, I've known that I needed to have RNY - I was resigned but unhappy and filled with resentment about it and longing for some other way, because obviously I love to eat and I eat for the wrong reasons.  I went to support group last night and the speaker didn't show up.  It was really great to have time to just talk. I found out that everyone there had the same fears as me before their surgery.  Now, even though some of them have struggled with eating and had moments where they wondered why they had their surgery, truly every person there was happier now and healthier now. 
Then I read the following in another OH members blog - and it really struck a chord.
"For those of you worrying about "Life After Surgery," it really isn't some terrible torture, and you will (hopefully) be thankful you did it.  My life isn't so different from before.  Well, excluding the need to change my wardrobe.  Losing weight is wonderful, you finally fit into those "thin" clothes in the closet!  Oh, and feeling more energetic.  Yes, it is a terrible thing to now FEEL like cleaning house, because you can!  Getting off medications is so terrible, too!  All the money you get to save, what a terrible burden.  I think the worst part of "After Surgery" is actually being in control of my emotions.  I used to be an emotional eater, and maybe it is too early to say this, but I really do not feel the need to pick up a cookie when I am having a bad day." - Thank you Brenda.
I definitely feel my attitude changing - Yeah!


About Me
Surgery Date
Feb 09, 2011
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