Remind Me

Nov 28, 2010

Remind me why I had surgery.  As I am facing some tough heath issues again I have to look back and find the blessings.  I hope it will get me through the frustrations I am experiencing right now.  I have had to give up some of the things I enjoy the most in my daily workouts.  I had surgery over 2 years ago because of serious health issues.  I found myself on a road to death.  The reality hit when I was able to look in the mirror and see a morbidly obese person looking back at me.  I didn’t even recognize myself.  There are times these days I look in the mirror and don’t recognize the person looking back at me.  I have come a long way in 2 years.  When I get frustrated I have to remember why I had surgery and where I’ve walked and at times ran.  I have to remember before surgery I couldn’t even exercise.  I have been doing some very limited running in the last month or so and that is probably what has gotten me into the shape I am in.  So I have to give up the running, the rowing (which I love) and some of the other things I enjoy, like aqua Zumba.  I hope it is just for a limited time, but at this point there is no speculation.  I just have to be wise in my thinking and doing.  I want to push myself harder than is advisable.  I’ve always been a person who had to give 100+% and now I have to back off.  It isn’t going to be easy and I know it is going to frustrate me.  I need to set some new goals with lower expectations.  That won’t be easy either, but if I am going to get healthy again and get past the pain, I will have to do it.  Before surgery I existed but wasn’t active in life.  Since surgery I have becomes very active and now I have to slow that down.  God always knows what is best and I guess at this point He feels it is best to slow down some.  So as I face these health issues with uncertainty and times without answers, I will do the best I can to remember why I had surgery!  To be healthy and active!


It is what it is,  but it will become what you make it.


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Apr 17, 2009
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