My Journey

Sep 15, 2012

In January 2009 I had the Realize Band surgery.  For the next year I did very well complying with the diet and exercises programs and managed to loose 90 lbs.  My SW was 250 and in 1 year got down to 160.  In January of 2010 I began having severe reflux issues which lead to a roller coaster of many unfills...fills...unfills...fills...medicine...medical test...etc.  To make matters worse I had and accident in March of 2010 that left me immobile for several months so all of the daily exercising that I was doing came to a screeching halt.  Obviously I started to regain my weight, at first the few pounds that I had regained didn't bother me but I soon found myself on a downward spiral that I couldn't control.  In November 2010 my Surgeon determined that he could no longer fill my band for medical reasons and together we decided that conversion to the Gastric Sleeve would be the best option for me.  This began my 2 year fight with my insurance company to approve the surgery.  All I can say is these past two years have been hell.  I have not only regained most of my weight (CW 238), I blew my knee out in June (had to have ACL/MCL surgery) am just now somewhat getting back to normal.  I had already been through 3 insurance denials and was anxiously waiting the fourth.  I received the letter from the review committee on August 27Th.  I did not open the envelope for 2 days because I couldn't handle another rejection.  My loving husband finally couldn't stand it and opened the letter and low and behold the surgeon on the review committee finally agreed that my revision was for medical reasons and overturned the denial.   I immediately scheduled my pre-op appointment with my surgeon and got the ball rolling. 

My revision surgery is scheduled for September 27Th 12 days away.  I am excited and nervous all rolled up into one.  The mental anguish of these past two years has been very hard to endure.  I am confident that I will get back on track, relearn the good eating habits and look forward to getting into shape again.  I know how good I felt when I had lost the weight and was exercising on a regular basis and am eager to get their again.

I have been reading posts and blogs on this sight for a long time and felt that it was time for me to tell my story and start the healing.  I am deeply embarrassed and ashamed that I have let myself gain the weight back but I know I am getting back on the right track.  I am looking forward with great anticipation and a renewed sense of hope for the first time in a very long time.

Thank you for listening...this has been really helpful for me to get this off of my chest. 



About Me
Stuart, FL
Surgery Date
Sep 15, 2012
Member Since

Friends 5

Latest Blog 1
