Almost 7 years post-op

May 13, 2013

I am doing great. We now have four children two additions since surgery. My husband and I are grateful to Dr. Overcash for changing my life. I am so happy. I have gotten down to 192 and this is where I stay give or take water weight during those special times lol. I wear a size 11-14 depending on the brand. I now walk and run 3-4 days a week at least an hour. In between I clean all the time and hang out with the four pack. I am happy to report that my oldest babes are still helping me Mom they say, you can't eat that. You should put that in your mouth. Heaven forbid I have a non fat latte LOL! Occasionally about six times a year I do divulge in a little cake from whose ever birthday it happens to be. My biggest problem is McDonalds small french fry. I love those things and honestly have an addiction to them. SMH. Aside from this I have noticed that my hair has thinned out extremely I am not sure if it is because I have gotten older and it just does that or if it is from the surgery. I am anemic and have had to have 2 transfusions other than that I am still healthy. I have a great appetite for living and live to my fullest. I have found hiking as a great exercise for the family. 


Been A While

Apr 09, 2007

I am somewhere between 224 and 228. It wonders daily I wear a 16 comfortabley though I would love to be in a 14 or smaller. I look really good. My brother whom I haven't seen since October of last year told me he didn't even recongnize me. Once I told him how much I weighed he was amazed he's like I would've thought 175 at the most. I'm thinking yep, I'm back to where I was when I met Jack. I weighed 210 then size 16 and didn't look like I weighed more than 180. Honestly if I don't lose another ound I would be happy. I feel wonderful and grateful that I had an oppertunity to go through this lifestyle change. It amazes me how much lack of self esteem I once had. I used to tell everyone that I was sexy though I never believed myself. Now I don't feel the need to say it cuz you can look and see for yourself. I am beautiful.  I'm sexy and I'm one kick ass chic!!!!!!!!!!
Until next time!

Just an update

Jan 27, 2007

I remembered some of my goals that I wrote on here I just wanted to let you guys know how they were going...

1. I want to cross my legs      
Done 11/06
2. I want to run faster than Andrew
3. I want to go sky diving
4. I want to have sex standing up      
Attempted but failed 1/07 LMAO
5. I want to go horseback riding...bareback
6. I want to buy a yellow polka dotted bikini
7. I want to wear the yellow polka dotted bikini
8. I want to shop on the normal side of the store for clothes
   Done 12/06
9. I want to be smaller than my mom (size 20) 
Done 11/06
10. I want to be smaller than Kandis (size 14-16)
11. I want to go to my first concert
12. I want to go to a rock concert and crowd surf (sounds so cool)
13. I want to walk or run in a 5k marathon
14. I want to walk for March of Dimes
15. I want to be healthy according to
16. I want to model (even if it's not professionally)                              Done 1/07  

Some of my goals are:
1. To be under 200 pounds
2. To be healthy
3. I want to be able to run
4. I want to work out 3 times a week
5. I want to gain more self confidence (as if I need more)
Done 11/06
6. I want to get a job maybe as a waitress or some type of stand up job that I have to move around in

Some of my Rewards:
Bongo jeans (if they still make them but they have to be white)
knee hi boots
trenchcoat (boots, coat you got a clue?!)
done 11/06
Long down to my butt wig in Platinum Blond or Auburn
Boobies (DD's)
Tummy Tuck
Lasik Surgery
Mitsubishi Spyder Eclipse
A purple bathing suit like the one my Pogo mini is wearing
My final Reward is going to be a cruise wearing my yellow polka dotted bikini, long platinum blonde wig. Hell yeah that's gonna be funny!!!!!!!!!!LMAO

A lot in a little bit of time

Jan 18, 2007

Ok so it's been a while. I know I know I used to write everyday but it's slowed down cuz I no longer sit in front of my pc doing nothing. I am active, for the most part. I like to be up doing something, I hate sitting any more. It's funny, cuz when I started this journey I read all these profiles of people that would have the surgery and then stop posting. I was kinda upset cuz I wanted to know what happend to them. Did they fulfil thier wishes? Did they gain back? DId they die? What happend? Now I realize that once you have surgery you get your life back, you just don't have the time nor energy to sit in front of a pc all day and write. I am so completly there right now.
I still go on myspace most days for a few moments. For the most part however, I am cleaning, or out of the house. I can't believe I ever just sat in here doing nothing. It amazes me how my life has changed. Don't get me wrong my life is not perfect by any means, but I believe in myself now. I know that I'm beautiful, I know that I can achieve anything. I have a huge reminder everyday. Its that huge (ok not that huge) but big scar right in the middle of my tummy. It won't go away it won't let me fail. I started this journey because I was unhappy. I was tired of being fat. I was scared of developing diabetes, I was scared of dying and early death and not being there for my kids. I will not and do not regret having surgery. I have my days when I want to eat "normally" but eating that way is what got me to the point where I had to have surgery. I didn't like it and I don't want to go back there. 
I have successfully lost a 91 pounds since 8-9-06. It's been a little over 5 months but I am compelty happy with the results thus far. I probably would have lost more but I stopped working out because I get bored with it. I can't help myself. I have a treadmill, I have the beach, I have weights and still I can not get motivated to work out any more. Oh well though. I imagine it will be a little easier eventually. I cannot wait though until I can see the final product. I am debating on whether or not I want to have PS. I'm scared out of my mind about that. I need it on my tummy my boobs and my thighs. I'm just too scared of the pain. Everyone says that it's 10X worse than RNY. I don't know if I can do it. 
As far as Jack and I go. He is still obsessing about every guy that looks at me. I got back with him for all the wrong reasons. I know I shouldn't have but I had to. I don't know how long it's oging to last. I can only try to convince him that I'm being a good girl for so long. It's ridiculus. It's like he's completly forgotten how guys used to ask towards me. He used to (before I got fat) watch me flirt and be ok with it cuz he knew that it never meant anything and that it was just a joke. Now he's pissed off at me when a man looks at me for more than 5 secs. We went out to lunch and the waiter kept looking at me, I think it's cuz he knows that the women normally pay and give good tps. Jack got pissed and thought he wanted me. Come on now. I can't handle that at all. It really does bother me. If I go anywhere he "just knows" that I cheated on him. Give me a break. I don't know how much more I can take or how long before it seriously breaks us up for good. I must go now. If you interested, my myspace is under my name Jaime Moore or sexy bitch turns baddest bitch never mind cuz here's the url:
I guess you would have to copy and paste. I added a few pics. I don't know if you can tell that I've lost but I certainly can. I wear a size 16 pants Large or X large shirt that depends on who makes it though. I'm still wearing the same bras but I could probably go to a 38 D now. No more DD ;( GRRR. That will be taken care of hopefully. I guess that's it. I will write soon I hope. Also, contact me through email I think I posted it before [email protected] on myspace or whatever. I still don't work during the week so whatever. We all need friends!!

How times have changed...

Dec 17, 2006

Ok so it's been a while. Forgive me. I now write on myspace constantly. So much has changed in my life. Some for the better, some for the worse. I have just been going crazy because I have no one to talk to about any of it. Ok so it's now close to christmas. Woohoo. I'm excited cuz I can't wait to see the kids open thier gifts. As for me getting anything, I doubt that. Jack has never bought me anythign for any of the important holidays, including my birthday. Wait I just lied he did for Christmas in 2003. I got a dolphin figurine. It was so beautiful too. Anyway our relationship (Jack and mine) has gone from ok to bad to horrible. I don't know what it is. I can't bring myself to forgive him for all the things he's said and done to me while I was fat. (I no longer consider myself fat, I"M SEXY!!!) I can't get over anything, everytime I try something else pops into my head and says rememeber this...So I'm done with him. But I have to saty with him cuz I have no money no place to go no nothing except my car and pc. I just recently got a job part time paying 8.50 hr. I'm proud of me since it's been almost three years since I worked. I started going out to the clubs more often cuz I'm sexy now. I am getting the attention that I used to before I got fat from men which is kinda a good thing. It's boosting my self esteem out of the water! LOL. It's still fun to make those boys sweat! I have lost  79.8 pounds so far. I am four months and one week out. So I am happy. I weigh 249 right now down from 328.8. I'm very excited about that. I have stopped excersizing after turkey day. Bad choise I guess. I guess it's mainly from the stress in my life right now (Jack). I still eat healthy though every once in a while I do enjoy having some unhealthy food but it's mainly just a bite and never more than three bites. I am still eating normal like about a half a cup of food. I don't normally eat more than that. But I do eat about 4 times a day. Not always a half of a cup though. I'm working now at the hospital in New Smyrna and am so bored. I miss being at home with the kids on the weekends, but I have to work to get the things I want. I will try to update more often I always said I wouldn't do the things that everyone else did and stop posting after I had surgery. But I guess life is so full now I don't really have time to sit on the pc all day anymore. I'm out. J 

Feeling Great

Nov 08, 2006

This is my second day without Birth Control and even though I got another period after only two weeks, I feel great. I walked about 2 miles this morning. I know its not alot but it is what I can do. Two days ago Sarah my cousin Kandis' ex girlfriend gave me some clothes size 14-16 ao yesterday as I was packing them to save for a few more months I decided to try them on. I tried on a pair of jeans and a pair of burgundy slacks. I only have 2 to 3 inches to lose before I can fit into them. I can fit into an x-large shirt and the large I can wear too it's just a tight on my tummy. Too tight for comfort. I went and bought a size 11-12 juniors boobie know the kind, its shows your cleavage and if you don't have clevage it gives you some!! Its really tight right now but I figure in a few more months it won't be. Oh and then I was looking at my nakkidness in the mirror yesterday while everyone was gone and I decided I was going to see what I would look like without all the fat and skin on my hips and tummy. (I've done this before< HAAHAHAHA) So anyway, I lift and pull and tug and I get all the fat and skin away from my hips and then do the same for my tummy. OMG my hips are so small and you can't even tell because of all the fat I have. Its like omg I am sexy. I just realized that because all these years I've been hiding behind a fat body and now I honestly feel and know that I am sexy. Yes I need some toning but I am sexy. It's nothing that can't be fixed. So I am beside myself right now because I feel so wonderful. I can almost fit into a 16 pant something I haven't worn since being 16. I currently wear an 18 again I haven't worn since being 18 years old. I can wear shirts size 16, large and x large, no more 2x 3x or 4x, I am so happy. I feel very good about myself and that whole time I was having doubts I shouldn't have because I now know that I am wonderful and I am doing wonderfully. I am doing great and I will continue to lose more weight. I seriously think now that I will get down to a size 10-12. I'm happy about that. Jack said 12 but Jack is stupis so we won't listen to him.
Just to let you all know Jack I believe is cheating on me and has recently told me to get a job. I believe he will be leaving me sometime in the near future. I love him but for a long time I haven't been in love with him. I was trying to pretend I was and I haven't been. It's been going on six years since I've not been in love with him and I finally have the courage to say it. Because I know that I will be ok and I can do bad all by myself I don't need a man. I stayed for way too long because of the kids but I can't take the alcoholism, the emotional abuse, I can't handle that anymore. I have been dishonest on here saying that we were in love and gonna get married blah blah blah. I wanted that because I felt like no one else would want me I couldn't live by myself without a man in my life. We were never getting married. He asked one night in March in his drunken stupor if I would but when I asked him if he really meant it two days later he said he doesn't remember saying it. He used to call me fat, ugly, stupid, and I can't take it anymore. You can't love me when I'm fat how can you love me when I'm not.

I figured out the answer to the loss of energy

Nov 03, 2006

I started taking birth control three weeks ago. The first week I felt fine, the second I was just a little down, the third I am full swing headed for depression. I know that it's not normal to I was fine before I was taking the stupid BC. Freaking I asked the doctor too, will it make me fat, will I get hormonal, will this, will that. According to them I pretty much wouldn't have any problems with BC. I've decided to go off of it for now. I'd rather use condoms than feel like this. I feel completly depressed and all day I cried. I couldn't eat because I knew if I did I would binge and I don't want to get into that. I feel hopeless. I hate feeling like this. So screw this I am done with BC pills. They make me want to eat, cry, be depressed. It's not worth it to me....
Oh just thought I'd let you know that I am now down to 267. I've been working hard and am very happy to be losing a pound to a pound and a half a day. It makes me feel better about everything. Love ya Keep in touch


Nov 01, 2006

I don't know why but I feel like I'm slipping into a depression and I don't know why. I have no energy, I am tired all the time. I don't want to do anything. I just want to lay around sleeping and playing on the pc. I feel like crap. I have no idea why. Normally I can sanp myself out of it, but I can't this time. I just want to sleep and eat and do nothing else. I don't have the drive to clean or do anything. I had to force myself to clean and workout yesterday and today. I haven't even cleaned today. I'm supposed to be folding laundry but I can't get up to do it. I don't feel like doing it. I don't feel like watching tv I don't really feel like being on the computer. I've kept my house dark for the last few days. I just feel blah.... I even lost more weight and I feel this way. I am now down to 269.5. What the hell is wrong with me?


Oct 22, 2006

I was feeling my little breast tissue I have last night while laying down and discovered a lump. I'm a little apprehensive about calling the doctor because I just started taking a freaking new BC ortho-novum and I didn't feel this lump last month and I just started my period. I am thinking it might be normal to have a lump right before my period, it's not like I check my boobs before any way. I always check after I'm done with my period about three days later. Do I call the doctor? Do I wait till I'm done with my period to make sure it's still there? I'm freaking out and don't know what to do. I have no idea. I'm scared, but it could be anything. I am going to try to put it out of my mind until I am done with my retarded period andcheck again. If it is still there I will definitly call the doctor to find out if it's cancer or not. I'm so scared my aunt dies from cancer I watched her go through Chemo three different times, just to be miserable and then die. I don't want to go through that. I want to live I mean I freaking had gastric bypass to live not to be killed by cancer. I am a healthy person other than being over weight. I like knowing that I don't have any majoe problems. Now it's like I have heart palipatations that the doc is worried about and now a stupid lump on my breast. I'm scared, I'm only 25 I have sooo much to live for and so much to do. I want to see my babies grow into adults and see my grandchildren. I want to live a long and productive life without having to worry about chemo or radiation or this pill and that. I'm not good with taking medicine I hate medicine, it lowers your immune system. It makes you sicker than you already are. I want to live without worries of cancer, without worrying whether or not I have to say good bye to my babies before they're old enough to understand. I want to witness Kaylynns first date and Andrews graduation and everything in between and everything that comes afterwards. I'm so scared and I'm praying that it's just because I started my period but in the back of my mind I know that's not why it's there. I haven't done a breast exam in like 2 months the last time was right after surgery my first period. What am I gonna do if it is cancer. I can't afford doctors and bills and crap. How is  Jack gonna be able to take care of the kids by himself if I get sick? How will he handle Kaylynn with her gazzilion question about boys, and love, and science, and everything. What is Andrew going to do if he doesn't have mommy. o love him and give him hugs and kisses every day.

What's Up

Oct 19, 2006

Howdy everybody. Just wanted to check in with you guys since it's been like forever. Not that I didn't want to be here just that this site has been kicking me off every time I get on. I just got done add my blog entries from my old profile. I hope you all can read it. It kinds sucks cuz I can't put any hotmail in there. Just a question...Do you think this new site looks like myspace? Things that make you go HMMMM! Anyway, my offical weight is now 277. I'm happy. I was scared for a minute thinking that the weight loss had stopped but I guess it hasn't. Thanks Mary, Joseph, and the Holy Child. I want to lose all my weight. I don't want to be a failure. I finally got my Norplant taken out on the 17th and it still hurts. I went to a clinic so I could get it taken out for free and the Dr there gave me three months of birth control pills free, some foamy stuff to kill sperm, and a huge bag of condoms. I was like WOOHOO. No babies for me. I am hoping Jack will make the best decision and get a vasectomy but he's such a dick sometimes. He's scared and yes he has every right to be but I am trying to reassure him nothing is going to change other than the sperm. 
Yesterday, I went to Dr. Zahedi for the first time since surgery. I was surprised that she wasn't like looking down on me or anything. I figured as against it as she was that I'd have to change doctors and everything, but I don't have to. Anywho, she asked me how I was and I said fine then she asked if I had any more heart palipatations. I'm like yeah. The last one was about 2 weeks ago. I didn't tell her how badly  it hurt. I mean she has my results from the cardiologist and the echo, ekg, and stress test were all great. So she ended up writing a prescrition for me to have a 24 hr heart monitor. SO I have to wear this thing for 24 hours to see if I have any more palipattions. I had one while she was listening to my heart and I didn't feel it. She said that I could have them all the time without knowing but she doesn't think it's anything to worry about since my cardio work came back good. So I have to get that thing sometime next month before I go back. I don't really want to though because I've been having these things since I was a kid and don't think it's hurting me or bothering me at all. I can only feel them once every other month and mainly I think it;s because of anxiety. Who knows though.

About Me
Daytona Beach, FL
Surgery Date
Apr 26, 2006
Member Since

Friends 8

Latest Blog 86
Been A While
Just an update
A lot in a little bit of time
How times have changed...
Feeling Great
I figured out the answer to the loss of energy
What's Up
