Mary M. 21 years, 5 months ago

Hi. I read one of your postings and thought I'd write you. I am 6 months post op and have lost 70lbs. I see my doc this week for 6 months follow up. I am doing well, but have EXTREME hair loss? Did you experience any of this? Also, I, too, have trouble visualizing my weight loss. I really cannot see it in the mirror, but I can if I see a picture of myself. Of course, my clothes tell the real story. But it IS weird that I cannot see it in the mirror. I think that I might be doing too many carbs, from reading some of the postings. Any problem with you in this area?I have been really remiss in trying to work in contacting people in my situation since my surgery. By reading this site, I feel like I am really missing something. My surgeon is a sweetheart, but he is really a professional plumber. I do not mean that unkindly. He is an excellent surgeon. I am an RN and find that in general, surgeons are expert at what they do, but they are generally not real interested in the BIG PICTURE ( no pun intended). Perhaps I need to set aside some time every week and go on line to find folks like you to share with.

MommaAngel 21 years, 6 months ago

HI BERNADETTE Can I say (((((((WOW)))))) That is a awesome weight loss. You should be very proud of yourself. Keep up great job your doing.LORD BLESS

Karen N. 21 years, 6 months ago

CONGRATULATIONS! Welcome to the Century Club! I wish you continued success as you work toward your goal.

Karen N. 21 years, 7 months ago

CONGRATULATIONS! Welcome to the Century Club! I wish you continued success as you work toward your goals. Best wishes!

christy B. 21 years, 8 months ago

Hi Burnadette, thank you so much for your kind words that you posted for me. I post sometimes, but I have never had anyone respond and it felt so nice to hear from someone without having to go on the chat line. I am doing well and appreciate your kind words and your prayer. Christy

Sandy T. 21 years, 9 months ago

Bernadette, COngrats on the weight loss and the grades in school. Both are fabulous!! You should be very proud of yourself. Keep up the great work.

Jean G. 21 years, 9 months ago

Hi Bernie - Wow - 85 lbs! THat's awesome! You definately need an after pic on here! 14 more days until my consult! Best wishes, Jean

Bernadette H. 21 years, 9 months ago

HEY HEATHER!!! Small small world huh? and luckily for us getting smaller!!! LOL Your new pic looks AWESOME!!! I have got to update my pics and page. I have also lost about the same as you....Started at 300 and am now at 215!! YAHOO!!!! Feeling great too!!! Keep up the great work W Chester girlie!!!! Keep in touch, maybe we can meet somewhere down the road and go shopping for skinny girl clothes!!! Take care and HAPPY weight loss to u!!! :-) Thanks for signing my page :-)

heathercross 21 years, 9 months ago

Bernadette, Just thought I would drop yo a line. You are doing faboulously! We have 3 things in common, my surgery was right near yours (8/15) and I was born and raised in West Chester, PA. I now live in NYC and have been here since 1997. My family still lives in Westtown. Good luck to you, girl, we are gonna make it! Heather (8/15 - 305/218/150)

Jean G. 21 years, 10 months ago

Bernie, You are such an inspiration! Thank you for my first comment on my page too! It was great to finally meet you and learn so much from you. Thank you for sharing your experiences with us, and I hope to follow in your footsteps! Best regards, Jean
About Me
King of Prussia, PA
Surgery Date
Jun 16, 2002
Member Since
