Struggling today, to keep on track...

Mar 09, 2008

Today has been a challenge so far... I cant stop munching... Good thing is Im munching on healthy foods... bad news is Im munching... Period! Then I realized I hadnt eaten in about 6 hours... !!! I really need to pay better attention to my 3 hour window. After yesterdays craziness... I need to get back on the horse... Yesterday was my son's 3rd Birthday Party... A lot of fun, family, friends and of course... food. But I must say, I did exceptionally well!
I think I am just worn out today... perhaps a nap would be nice...

A moment of Bravery...

Mar 06, 2008

Okay, so after I finished painting the kitchen tonight... and started cleaning off the counter tops and throwing the crap away... mostly papers and old mail... I started thinking about the B-12 that they prescribed.  I still had yet to give myself the shot... I guess I was too nervous, so I put it away for a moment of bravery.  Well that moment came tonight... and I grabbed the stuff out of the cabinet, filled the syringe, sat down and stuck it in my upper thigh. Funny, I didnt even feel the thing! So I started pushing down the plunger and then before I knew it, the deed was done... freaky huh? 

Amazing... portions that used to be "normal"

Mar 05, 2008

You know what I've realized over the past 15 days... that we eat waaay to much.  I watch as my husband and friends and co-workers pack away a meal at a restaurant or a value meal from MckyD's and Im in shock, because that's how I used to eat... and then some.  It's sad... how many countless others are struggling with weight and eating more than they need, probably everyone.

I feel like my eyes have been opened over these past few weeks and I realize how lucky I am to have this chance to get healthy with the help of the LapBand.  Well, I just thought I'd put that into words... I am blessed everyday and so thankful for what I have in my life.

Went to the Dr. Today...

Mar 03, 2008

Well today I went to the USF Health Building and saw Dr. Murr.  I had to go in because of the allergic reaction that I had to the pre-op solution that they used on my abdomen.  Itchy... itchy... I've gone through two tubes of Max Strength Benadryl Cream... They were really nice at the office and said, "wow, you look great..." which was nice to hear  I had Liquids all day today and then for dinner tonight I tried tuna... It was really good! Chewed well and everything was just fine!  Im so impressed that the band will only let me eat a small amount... obviously thats part of the idea, I get it... but it's really nice to feel it working. I go back to the Dr. in a few more weeks for the first fill...

I GAVE IN... to the need to CHEW~

Mar 02, 2008

 Okay... so I was only a little nervous, but I had to EAT something tonight.  After 12 days of drinking my meals, I was ready to chew.  I had about 2oz of marinated grilled chicken and 2oz of macaroni and cheese.  Boy was it delicious. I chewed each tiny bite about 50 times and made sure it was mushy before I swallowed it and I feel satisfied now. If I can keep eating like that, I will absolutely keep losing weight. 

I think I am down 11 pounds so far and it is feeling good... I think I can see it in my face, but I did get a haircut a week ago and it could be partly because of that? I think I will maintain mushy liquids for the next three days until my official 15 days are over, with maybe a meal at dinnertime like I had tonight... as long as its within reason.  So, thats the plan and Im sticking to it...I really think this whole thing is more mental than anything. 

Matthew's 3rd Birthday party is on Saturday and Im looking forward to it, but the entire family will be here  and that could present a challenge, since most of them are unsure about the surgery and how it works I'm sure Ill get the"look" once or twice.  I dont feel uncomfortable talking about it, but it will be interesting.

SO here we are after 5 Days of being Banded...

Feb 25, 2008

Generally I think things are going pretty well... I am comfortable eating the mushies and the protein shakes are not as bad as I thought they would be.  So thats nice.  I have hiccups, which Terri, my Hospital Room Band Buddy says is because Im drinking too fast.  Im trying to go slow... 

I got on the scale again this evening and I am down 6lbs since leaving the hospital... wow. Plus, aunt flo decided to drop in two days ago... hmm, does that mean this liquid diet is helping me lose even more?

Im thinking about going back to work tomorrow, but it might need to be Wednesday... just so that I can relax and heal for one more day before the craziness that is my life starts again.

About Me
Ruskin, FL
Surgery Date
Jul 12, 2007
Member Since

Friends 12

Latest Blog 16
Fill Numero Dos...
Long Time No Blog
Im Baaack... from VEGAS baby!
OMG... I got a FILL!
An Incident...
NO Change...
First Appt. Post-Op
I Am Normal...?
Do I feel the need for a fill?
Better now... All is not lost
