It's hard to believe it's been 3 months already

Dec 06, 2009

I have my first quartely checkup with my surgeon tomorrow - and I'm looking for answers.

I just got back an incomplete set of bloodwork from my primary care doctor - showing my serum iron level is low - 30 with the normal range being 50 to 170 (pretty broad range if you ask me) - and a few other iron indicators fall inside normal, by by tenths of a point. I'm now caught between asking the surgeon if I need extra iron (I'm exhausted BEYOND BELIEF and my weight loss has slowed tremendously during this same time period) and him wanting me to discuss it with the hemotologist who has me on Coumadin and wants me to remian on it for life, despite the fact it contributes to or down right causes anemia and my risk factor, obesity, is decreasing. It has decrease by 115 pounds, 79 before surgery, 36 since.

As much as I know I should be proud of the 36 pounds I have lost since surgery - I am sad and embarassed that most people who had RNY surgery around Sept 15th have lost about double what I have by now - and my dream of taking off about 100 pounds by my birthday in March is dissolving in front of my eyes.

Now - if this anemia can be resolved, and if my B12 levels are also low (which is liklely, but wasn't tested) it's possible that getting these levels back to normal may get my metabolism back to where it should be and get me back on track to losing 3 - 5 pounds per week instead of 1 - 2 pounds or less per week.

I'm trying to stay positive and keep in mind that I AM LOSING and haven't ever gained - but I had my mind set on where I would be at this point - and adjusting my expectations is proving to be MUCH more difficult that I could imagine.

I will be back in a few days to let you know when one of these doctors decides to give me some advice of supplements and getting my energy levels back up - so hopefully I don't lost my job for being late so often.

I have faith that this will get better - I'm just frustrated that I'm asking the professionals for help, and they are passing the responsibility around to each other, and meanwhile I am stuck in the middle with no interest in anything but sleep. I could care less about Christmas, presents or anything to do with the holidays.

If anyone has some brilliant ideas, insight or just some helpful words to pull me out of this abyss I'm sinking into - drop me a note.

I just need to wake up raring to go and see that scale start moving again! I'm worried about becoming depressed and we all know that leads to no good.

Hope everyone else is having a better time out there than I am right now!
Hugs - Diane

